
Neolithic demic diffusion

Demic and cultural diffusion propagated the Neolithic transition ...

The Neolithic transition began to spread from the Near East into Europe, until it reached Northern Europe about 5500 years ago.

Synthesis between demic and cultural diffusion in the Neolithic ...

We show that cultural diffusion explains ∼40% of the spread rate of the Neolithic transition in Europe, as implied by archaeological data. Thus, cultural ...

Demic diffusion - Wikipedia

Genetic matrilineal distances between European Neolithic Linear Pottery Culture populations (5,500–4,900 calibrated BC) and modern Western Eurasian populations.

Y genetic data support the Neolithic demic diffusion model - PNAS

We analyze a large dataset of 22 binary markers from the non-recombining region of the Y chromosome (NRY), by using a genealogical likelihood-based approach.

Estimating the relative importance of demic and cultural diffusion in ...

This strongly suggests that the spread of the Neolithic in Scandinavia was driven mainly by demic diffusion. This conclusion, obtained from ...

Genetic variation in North Africa and Eurasia: neolithic demic ...

The hypothesis that both genetic and linguistic similarities among Eurasian and North African populations are due to demic diffusion of neolithic farmers is ...

Population continuity, demic diffusion and Neolithic origins in central ...

Archaeological evidence attests the widespread introduction of an exogenous “package” comprising ceramics, cereals, pulses and domesticated animals to central ...

Neolithic demic diffusion - Pivot Science Publications

They argued that the observed patterns were the result of population growth due to increased food availability in early farming communities, ...

Neolithic Transitions: Diffusion of People or Diffusion of Culture?

We see that demic diffusion predicts Neolithic front speeds of at least 0.68 km/year. Demic-cultural diffusion will be still faster. Thus, it ...

Synthesis between demic and cultural diffusion in the Neolithic ...

There is a long-standing controversy between two models of the Neolithic transition. The demic model assumes that the Neolithic range ...

Dissecting the influence of Neolithic demic diffusion on Indian Y ...

The global distribution of J2-M172 sub-haplogroups has been associated with Neolithic demic diffusion. Two branches of J2-M172, J2a-M410 and ...

Genetic variation in North Africa and Eurasia: Neolithic demic ...

The hypothesis that both genetic and linguistic similarities among Eurasian and North African populations are due to demic diffusion of neolithic farmers is ...

The Interplay of Demic and Cultural Diffusion in Neolithic Expansions

demic diffusion was more significant than cultural diffusion in Neolithic expansions—aligns with archaeological evidence from Europe. The fact ...

Demic and cultural diffusion propagated the Neolithic transition ...

The dates of about 900 archaeological sites are used to compute a speed map of the spread of the Neolithic transition in Europe and it is suggested that ...

Neolithic demic diffusion - Pivot Science Publications

Schematically, the Neolithic demic diffusion model [9] first required the. Page 7. Human Population Genetics and Genomics, 2021, 1(1), 0005.

Long-distance dispersal effects and Neolithic waves of advance

Ammerman and Cavalli-Sforza defined demic diffusion as the case in which farming spreads due to the dispersal and reproduction of farmers (i.e., Neolithic ...

Demic expansion or cultural diffusion: migration and Basque origins

Advocates of the cultural diffusion model maintain that the Paleolithic expansion into Europe occurred from the same region as the Neolithic expansion, so that ...

Demic and cultural diffusion propagated the Neolithic transition ...

About 9000 years ago, the Neolithic transition began to spread from the Near East into Europe, until it reached Northern Europe about 5500 years ago. There are ...

neolithic demic diffusion: Topics by

... Neolithic spread was cultural diffusion (whereas demic diffusion played a secondary role). This is in sharp contrast to the European Neolithic. Our results ...

Cultural versus demic diffusion in agricultural expansions according ...

6) and the other populations (Table 1) display different dispersal kernels, these results strongly suggest that the spread of the Neolithic in ...