
Newman's Concept of Conscience in His Quest for Moral Truth

Newman's Concept of Conscience in His Quest for Moral Truth

Newman's personal journey is an impressive endorsement of the fundamental conviction of “conscience as the advocate of truth in the innermost part of the human ...

Newman's Concept of Conscience in His Quest for Moral Truth

A man needs clear signs that show him what is right and what is wrong. Undoubtedly, an excellent bright, shining sign for the contemporary man and the modern- ...

Conscience and Truth - in the writings of Blessed John Henry Newman

There was something in the latter idea I did not like. Nor did I see the meaning of loving God”.3 The temptation of the young. Newman was to agree to ethical ...

Newman's Disc. 8: conscience is more than a moral taste or sentiment

Modern relativism replaces moral truth with so-called moral preferences (or taste). Newman criticizes the Religion of Reason and its followers, ...

Newman and the Divine Origin of Conscience - Part 1 (III.B God's ...

Newman argues that there is a God, because there is a moral obligation. When he analyses his conscience, he finds it involves the idea of a Father and a ...

How Newman followed his conscience, no matter the cost

Many people know that John Henry Newman was a great thinker, that he was a magnificent convert to the Catholic faith, and that he was a man of ...

John Henry Newman: Conscience of the Age

What John Henry Newman says about conscience shocks the modern secular sensibility, which treats it (if at all) as the “socially ...

Blessed Cardinal Newman and the Conscience - Catholic Stand

Our conscience, then, is not a tool to justify our every decision. Newman draws attention to two important aspects of our conscience. First, the ...

St. John Henry Newman, Adam Smith and Conscience

Almost a century later, St. John Henry Newman addressed the “Moral Governor,” a law of the mind speaking to us through nature and grace; in ...

Newman on Conscience and its Counterfeits - Clarifying Catholicism

On this understanding of conscience, there is absolutely no freedom of will and no real choice to do good or evil, for we helplessly lie in a ...

Newman's Moral Argument from Conscience for the Existence of God

As a Christian theologian, he rejected the idea of independent, autonomous, and liberal reason because it denies the existence of any supernatural truth and ...

“Conscience, Relativism and Truth: The Witness of Newman ...

He described conscience as “moral Reason, moral Sense, or divine Reason… a Sentiment of the Understanding, or a Perception of the Heart” by ...

John Henry Newman: when Truth and Conscience smell of Holiness

If we have a duty to follow our conscience, Newman maintains, it is because conscience shows us the truth of our nature, of our being the image of God, an image ...

Blessed John Henry Newman and the Search for Truth in the Post ...

In particular, they would deny that it has any relation to a transcendent and eternal moral law. Conscience is then seen as responsible only to itself, and each ...

John Henry Cardinal Newman Archives - Homiletic & Pastoral Review

Newman's Concept of Conscience in His Quest for Moral Truth ... The question about truth is vividly present in the teachings of the Catholic Church throughout the ...

Saint John Henry Newman and Freedom of Conscience

An erring conscience that results from our failure to ensure that it is ordered to the truth leads to moral culpability. Willful pursuit of the ...

Saint John Henry Newman & Conscience - Clarifying Catholicism

Conscientia includes two steps: 1) The “actualization of the first principles of moral truth” (Huetter, Newman on Conscience and its Counterfeit) ...

Library : Newman and the Drama of True and False Conscience

Newman believes a good Catholic conscience can never accept a position of dissent against central Church teaching. Moral truth is the key to conscience.

What is Conscience? Quotes from Immanuel Kant and John Henry ...

Newman argues that there is a God, because there is a moral obligation. When he analyses his conscience, he finds it involves the idea of a ...

St. John Henry Newman - Word on Fire

Conscience is one of the master ideas in Newman's corpus; he discusses it from beginning to end of his career and it is the hinge on which many ...