
Next.js Server Adapter

Next.js Adapter - tRPC

tRPC's support for Next.js is far more expansive than just an adapter. This ... import { createNextApiHandler } from '@trpc/server/adapters/next';. import ...

Next.js server adapter - ZenStack

The @zenstackhq/server/next module provides a quick way to install API endpoints onto a Next.js project for database CRUD operations. Combined ...

Configuring: Custom Server - Next.js

A custom Next.js server allows you to programmatically start a server for custom patterns. The majority of the time, you will not need this approach.

enonic/npm-nextjs-adapter: Adapter for NextJS demo - GitHub

All functions and views are split into 4 categories by usage: @enonic/nextjs-adapter -- can be used both on server and client sides ...

Server and Client Components - React Foundations - Next.js

Next.js uses React Server Components by default to improve performance, and how you can opt into Client Components to smaller parts of your UI interactive.

Building Your Application: Deploying - Next.js

You can deploy managed Next.js with Vercel, or self-host on a Node.js server, Docker image, or even static HTML files.

Server Adapters - ZenStack

Reference; Server Adapters. Version: 2.x. Server Adapters. 📄 Next.js. Adapter for integrating with Next.js · 📄 Nuxt. Adapter for integrating with Nuxt ...

Next.js server runtime - React - AWS Amplify Gen 2 Documentation

Amplify offers two specialized data clients for Next.js server runtimes (from @aws-amplify/adapter-nextjs/data ) that you should use depending ...

Data Fetching: Server Actions and Mutations | Next.js

They can be called in Server and Client Components to handle form submissions and data mutations in Next.js applications. Watch: Learn more about mutations ...

Migrate from v5 to v6 - Next.js - AWS Amplify Gen 1 Documentation

js server runtimes (imported from @aws-amplify/adapter-nextjs/api ) that you should use depending whether you retrieve the user tokens using ...

Set up with Next.js Pages Router - tRPC

If you are using Next.js App Router with React Server components, check out the RSC docs ... js Adapter docs for mounting tRPC within your Next.js server ...

How to use webrtc-adapter npm package in Next.js - Stack Overflow

Since Next.JS compiles on the server and the client, you can't be sure you are in a browser context (window is undefined).

Creating a database adapter for an external backend REST API #7538

For context, I have a Next.js app on the frontend that communicates ... Generating JWT on backend server and passing that to next-auth #4834 ...

next.config.js Options: serverExternalPackages

Opt-out specific dependencies from the Server Components bundling and use native Node.js `require`.

Next.js on Netlify

Netlify's Next.js adapter automatically configures Netlify sites to enable key functionality, including cache control, on-demand revalidation, and image ...

Rendering: Server Components - Next.js

By default, Next.js uses Server Components. This allows you to automatically implement server rendering with no additional configuration, and you can opt into ...

Help needed - NextAuth with Drizzle Adapter & Postgres.js : r/nextjs

"use server"; import * as schema from "@/db/schema"; import { drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/postgres-js"; const { default: postgres } = await ...

next.config.js Options - API Reference

js is a regular Node.js module, not a JSON file. It gets used by the Next.js server and build phases, and it's not included in the browser build.

Migrate to NextAuth.js v5

Now that Next.js components are server-first by default, and thanks ... Database adapters don't rely on any Next.js features, so it ...

Routing: API Routes - Next.js

They are server-side only bundles and won't increase your client-side bundle size. For example, the following API route returns a JSON response with a status ...