
Node.js example using the PlanetScale serverless driver

Node.js example using the PlanetScale serverless driver

This guide will cover how to use the provided Node.js sample application using the PlanetScale serverless driver for JavaScript.

PlanetScale serverless driver for JavaScript

Using the PlanetScale serverless driver for JavaScript provides a means of accessing your database and executing queries over an HTTP connection.

Using PlanetScale with Serverless Framework Node applications on ...

Our simple Node example is ready to be deployed with serverless deploy , but let's add PlanetScale into the mix first! Connecting to ...

A sample Node.js application that uses the database-js package.

A sample Node.js Express API built using the PlanetScale serverless driver for JavaScript. It contains sample API endpoints that can be used to map to various ...

Connect a Node.js application to PlanetScale

Next, let's add some data to the database. You'll create a new table called users and add one record to it. To do this, use the PlanetScale ...

Node.js reusing one connection & transaction safety #535 - GitHub

Should I use PlanetScale Serverless Driver? Should I create new ... For example, with PlanetScale/Supabase/Fauna, you can consider them ...

Using the PlanetScale serverless driver with Prisma

When using an older version of Node.js, you can provide a custom fetch function implementation. We recommend the undici package on which Node's ...

The PlanetScale serverless driver for JavaScript | Hacker News

Very cool and lightweight way to talk to PlanetScale but for now I'll stick with Prisma. Prisma is much heavier (engine weighs in at ~50MB) and that can be a ...

PlanetScale Serverless Driver, Netlify Edge Functions, and Next.js

... used that node module. Except we use it in an edge function environment and a serverless environment, which is really cool. So I want to go back to my code ...

Using the PlanetScale serverless driver with AWS Lambda functions

We recently released the PlanetScale serverless driver for JavaScript to allow developers to connect to their databases over HTTP, as opposed to ...

@planetscale/database - npm

PlanetScale serverless ... When using an older version of Node.js, you can provide a ...

Using the PlanetScale serverless driver with AWS Lambda functions

In this session, Brian covers how to use the PlanetScale serverless driver for JavaScript in AWS Lambda functions by building a complete API ...

PlanetScale Review and Features - Bejamas

Set up PlanetScale MySQL database and connect via Serverless driver · In the first step, you need to authorize your CLI tool session via `pscale auth login` ...

Introducing the PlanetScale serverless driver for JavaScript

Connections with other MySQL drivers speak the MySQL binary protocol over a raw TCP socket. Our new driver uses secure HTTP, which allows you to ...

Connect a Serverless API to MySQL using the PlanetScale HTTP API

The driver is published on NPM as a Node.js package and allows you to execute CRUD operations and database transactions. The developer offloads ...

PlanetScale Serverless Driver, Netlify Edge Functions, and Next.js

...[email protected]/node ...

How to use Planetscale with Deno

Planetscale is a MySQL-compatible serverless database that is designed with a developer workflow where developers can create, branch, and deploy databases ...

PlanetScale | Prisma Documentation

The PlanetScale serverless driver provides a way of communicating with your database and executing queries over HTTP. You can use Prisma ORM along with the ...

Kysely dialect for PlanetScale -

Today we use PlanetScale as our database, who provide a serverless MySQL database service based on Vitess. Postgres is an amazing database, but ...

Drizzle with Vercel Edge Functions

PlanetScale serverless driver allows you access any MySQL client and execute queries over an HTTP connection, which is generally not blocked by cloud providers.