
Noncoding RNAs and RNA Editing in Brain Development ...

Noncoding RNAs and RNA editing in brain development, functional ...

The progressive maturation and functional plasticity of the nervous system in health and disease involve a dynamic interplay between the transcriptome and ...

Noncoding RNAs and RNA Editing in Brain Development ...

A sophisticated RNA regulatory network involving the twin processes of RNA editing and multifaceted actions of numerous subclasses of non-protein-coding RNAs.

Noncoding RNAs and RNA Editing in Brain Development ...

Noncoding RNAs and RNA Editing in Brain Development, Functional Diversification, and. Neurological Disease. Physiol Rev 87: 799–823, 2007; doi:10.1152 ...

Non-coding RNAs in the nervous system - PMC - PubMed Central

Increasing evidence suggests that the development and function of the nervous system is heavily dependent on RNA editing and the intricate spatiotemporal ...

The Central Role of Noncoding RNA in the Brain - ScienceDirect

The extensive and intricate level of gene regulation provided by ncRNAs may be the major driver for the accelerated development of the human brain.

Non-coding RNAs in Nervous System Development and Disease

The ability of these RNA molecules to be engaged in intricate and dynamic interactions with proteins and nucleic acids led to a great expansion of gene ...

Noncoding RNAs and RNA editing in brain development, functional ...

Although the molecular bases for these processes are largely unknown, RNA-based epigenetic mechanisms appear to be essential for orchestrating these precise and ...

Noncoding RNAs and RNA Editing in Brain Development ... - Scite

Noncoding RNAs and RNA Editing in Brain Development, Functional Diversification, and Neurological Disease. Mark F. Mehler 1,. John S. Mattick 2. Abstract: The ...

Dysregulated A to I RNA editing and non-coding RNAs in ... - Frontiers

Thus, ncRNA and RNA editing may provide key links between neural development, nervous system function, and neurological diseases. This review includes a summary ...

Transcriptomic Changes in Brain Development -

Collectively, these changes control proteomic diversity as the brain develops. Additionally, there are many changes in noncoding RNAs (miRNA and lncRNA) that ...

Noncoding RNAs and RNA Editing in Brain Development ... - Ex Libris

Institute for Brain Disorders and Neural Regeneration, Departments of Neurology, Neuroscience and Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Einstein Cancer Center ...

Roles of lncRNAs in brain development and pathogenesis - Cell Press

The human genome is pervasively transcribed, producing a majority of short and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) that can influence cellular ...

Noncoding RNAs in the Brain | Journal of Neuroscience

Some ncRNAs, including small nuclear and small nucleolar RNAs, regulate steps in RNA biogenesis, including splicing, editing, and RNA ...

Cellular and genetic drivers of RNA editing variation in the human ...

RNA editing sites are dynamically regulated throughout human cortical development, with marked increases in editing levels occurring between mid ...

Noncoding RNAs and RNA Editing in Brain Development ...

Although the molecular bases for these processes are largely unknown, RNA-based epigenetic mechanisms appear to be essential for orchestrating these precise and ...

LNCediting: a database for functional effects of RNA editing in ...

Recent studies have revealed that most of the human genome nucleotides are capable of being transcribed, producing numerals of noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) (1).

De novo genes with an lncRNA origin encode unique human brain ...

Human de novo genes can originate from neutral long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) loci and are evolutionarily significant in general.

Noncoding RNAs and RNA editing in brain development, functional ...

, Noncoding RNAs and RNA editing in brain development, functional diversification, and neurological disease. ;; Mehler, Mark F. F ;, ISSN: 0031-9333 , 1522-1210 ...

RNA editing, DNA recoding and the evolution of human cognition

∙ Mattick, J.S.. Noncoding RNAs and RNA editing in brain development, functional diversification, and neurological disease. Physiol. Rev. 2007; 87:799-823.

Noncoding RNAs and RNA Editing in Brain Development ... - Altmetric

Noncoding RNAs and RNA Editing in Brain Development, Functional Diversification, and Neurological Disease. Overview of attention for article published in ...