
Northward shifts in latitudinal optima for North American birds over ...

Significant shifts in latitudinal optima of North American birds - PNAS

We estimate that the latitudinal optimum (peak mean abundance) of 209 North American birds has shifted northward at an average rate of 1.5 km/y over the past ...

Significant shifts in latitudinal optima of North American birds

While many studies focus on range shifts, latitudinal shifts in species' optima can occur without detectable changes in their range. We ...

Northward shifts in latitudinal optima for North American birds over ...

At a continental scale, we estimated an overall poleward trend in latitudinal optima for North American birds of ~1.4 km/yr (± 0.7 se), corresponding to a ...

Significant shifts in latitudinal optima of North American birds - NASA ...

We estimate that the latitudinal optimum (peak mean abundance) of 209 North American birds has shifted northward at an average rate of 1.5 km/y over the ...

Significant shifts in latitudinal optima of North American birds

One-third (70) of the bird species showed a significant shift in their optimum. Overall, mean peak abundances of North American birds have shifted northward, on ...

The continental divide in range-shifting birds of North America - PNAS

(12) found that the latitudinal optima of North American birds have shifted poleward at an average velocity of 1.5 km/y, roughly matching the ...

Significant shifts in latitudinal optima of North American birds | 集智 ...

One-third (70) of the bird species showed a significant shift in their optimum. Overall, mean peak abundances of North American birds have shifted northward, on ...

Northward Shifts in Early Winter Abundance

We used Christmas Bird Count data to investigate recent changes in the latitudi- nal center of abundance of North American birds. Among the 305 bird species in.

Modeled distribution shifts of North American birds over four ...

Boreal forest-associated birds have a higher velocity in range shift than other bird species because high-latitude areas experience a higher ...

Poleward shifts in winter ranges of North American Birds

East of the continental divide, the mean velocity did not differ from zero and most bird species (63%) had their latitudinal optima shifting ...

Significant shifts in latitudinal optima of North American ... - Altmetric

... shift over the last 55 years, with 61% of these shifting northward, as the climate changes. Only Western birds showed a clear northward trend. In PNAS ...

Advances in breeding phenology outpace latitudinal and elevational ...

... of Sciences (PNAS). Significant shifts in latitudinal optima of North American birds. Martins P.M., Anderson M.J., Sweatman W.L., Punnett A.J.. Q1. Proceedings ...

Birds are tracking climate warming, but not fast enough - PMC

This increase corresponds to a 91 km northward shift in bird community composition, which is much higher than previous estimates based on changes in species ...

Modeled distribution shifts of North American birds over four

species because high-latitude areas experience a higher magnitude of climate change. 148. • H6. Grassland birds and wetland birds have higher range shift ...

Modeling climate‐driven range shifts in populations of two bird ...

The climate-only model is consistent with expectations based on previous SDMs of birds across North America, but previous studies also assumed ...

Ecological and life-history traits explain recent boundary shifts in ...

We examined whether shifts in northern- latitude and upper-elevation boundaries of western North American songbirds over a 35-year period were correlated and ...

Climate change is driving poleward shifts in the distributions of species

They found that the northern limit of a subset of birds had shifted 1.84 km year northward. This study however concentrated only on northern latitude boundaries ...

Climate change is predicted to reduce sympatry among North ...

Predicted geographic range shifts with climate change result in both gains and losses of sympatric species under each warming scenario (1.5°C: ...

Recent range shifts of moths, butterflies, and birds are driven by the ...

Here, we provide a first-filter test of the effect of climatic niche dimensions on shifts in the leading range edges in three relatively well- ...

Shifts in breeding distribution, migration timing, and migration routes ...

We predicted that both species' breeding distributions would shift northward over time, as conditions at higher latitudes are becoming more temperate in the ...