
Occupationally Exposed

Occupational Radiation Exposure | Department of Energy

The Occupational Radiation Exposure website provides the most currently available information on radiation exposure to personnel at DOE facilities.

Occupationally Exposed: It Is Time to Protect Ourselves! - JSCAI

Occupational health hazards of interventional cardiologists in the current decade: Results of the 2014 SCAI membership survey

Occupational exposure: Medical workers - ARPANSA

While medical radiation accounts for over 95 per cent of the population's artificial radiation exposure, the occupational risk for medical workers is low, with ...

Occupational Exposure Banding: Overview | NIOSH - CDC

Occupational exposure banding, also known as hazard banding, is a process intended to quickly and accurately assign chemicals into specific categories ...

Standard Practices in Occupational Radiation Protection - NCBI

The exposure limit for embryos and fetuses during the 9-month period of gestation is 5 mSv, which is 10 times lower than the usual limit for workers for 1 year ...


High occupational exposure may occur in procedures such as interventional radiology or industrial radiography. The majority of occupationally exposed workers ...

Occupational Dose |

These workers are exposed to varying amounts of radiation, depending on ... The NRC requires its licensees to limit occupational exposure to 5,000 mrem (50 mSv) ...

Occupational Radiation Exposures - NCI

Occupational Radiation Exposures. Radiation Epidemiology Branch (REB) investigators plan and conduct studies of populations exposed to occupational ...

Radiation protection of workers - International Labour Organization

groups of occupationally exposed workers. Doses to aircrew from cosmic rays ... The occupational exposure of any worker shall be so con- trolled that ...

Occupational exposure to hazardous chemicals in laboratories.

This section shall apply to all employers engaged in the laboratory use of hazardous chemicals as defined below.

Occupational exposure | ARPANSA

This is a database designed to store and maintain radiation dose records for occupationally exposed workers.

Occupational Exposure: Biological effects and risk |

The intent of this appendix is to provide estimates of, and explain the bases for, the risk of injury, illness, or death from occupational radiation exposure.

Occupational radiation exposure - BAG

Occupationally exposed persons must be adequately protected from ionising radiation. This includes individual monitoring of the absorbed ...

Radiation Protection Training Course for Occupationally Exposed ...

The Radiation Protection Training Course for Occupationally Exposed Workers was developed by the IAEA as a training tool for exposed workers in the Member ...

Occupational Exposure Limits to Radiation

Occupational Exposure Limits to Radiation. Both public and occupational regulatory dose limits are set by federal (i.e., Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], ...

Limit values for occupationally exposed persons - BfS

Annual dose limits. The limit value of the effective dose for occupationally exposed persons is 20 millisieverts in a calendar year in all European countries ( ...

Risks from Occupational Radiation Exposure, P-45028

... occupational exposures of declared pregnant women. Radiation protection training for workers who are occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation is an ...

Maximum Permissible Occupational Doses

Stanford Health Physics also ensures that radiation exposure to members of the public and non-occupational workers do not exceed regulated dose limits. The dose ...

About occupational radiation exposure |

The average person receives an annual radiation dose of about 0.36 rem (3.6 mSv). By age 20, the average person will accumulate over 7 rems (70 mSv) of dose.

About occupational radiation exposure -

Ionizing radiation is the type of radiation to which people who work in the nuclear industry or around x-ray equipment in medical institutions or laboratories ...