
Official Python library for the DeepL language translation API.

Official Python library for the DeepL language translation API. - GitHub

Usage. Import the package and construct a Translator . The first argument is a string containing your API authentication key as found in your DeepL Pro Account.

DeepL Python Library - PyPI

The DeepL API is a language translation API that allows other computer programs to send texts and documents to DeepL's servers and receive high-quality ...

Machine Translation Technology - DeepL Translate API

We speak your (programming) language ... The DeepL API offers officially-supported client libraries in Python, .NET, Node.js, PHP, Ruby, and Java. Need to ...

Announcing the Python client library for the DeepL API

We're excited to announce the release of our Python client library for the DeepL API. This is the first programming language-specific library we've built for ...

DeepL - GitHub

Official Python library for the DeepL language translation API. ... Official Python library for the DeepL language translation API.

Getting Started with the DeepL Language Translation API in Python

The DeepL API docs, which covers the REST interface that the Python library is built around and would be helpful if you'd like to experiment in ...

DeepL API Documentation: Introduction

The DeepL API provides programmatic access to DeepL's machine translation technology, making it possible to bring high quality translation capabilities ...

Open source Python client library for the DeepL language ... - Reddit

Open source Python client library for the DeepL language translation API ... Hi folks, this is the first client library for our API that we've ...

deep-translator - PyPI

... tool to translate between different languages in a simple way using multiple translators. ... deep-translator package and how to translate text using python.

Translate in Python with Google Translate and DeepL - Lokalise

The first library that I wanted to show you has a very concise name: Translators. It supports numerous engines, including Google, DeepL, Baidu, ...

Client libraries | DeepL API Documentation

The DeepL API's client libraries make it easier for developers to build DeepL-powered applications.

How to Use DeepL and Python for Translation - YouTube

Would you like to be able to easily translate documents using the powerful DEEPL translation service? This video shows how you can write a ...

Translate text - DeepL API Documentation

API reference for translating text with the DeepL API. The text-translation API currently consists of a single endpoint, translate , which is ...

Creating a Document Translation Service using DeepL Pro API's

In this blog post, I will show you how to use the DeepL pro API's to translate documents from one language to another, and how to customize the translation ...

The Python Programmer's Toolkit: Essential Libraries for Translation

Googletrans is a free and unlimited Python library that implements Google Translate API ... Translated MyMemory API, LibreTranslate, and DeepL's free and ...

DeepL Api Integration For Ai Translation - Restack

Integrating DeepL API with Python · Setting Up Your API Key · Translating Text · Supported Languages · Advanced Features · Conclusion · Related ...

deep-translator - deep_translator documentation - Read the Docs

deep-translator uses free deepl api by default. If you have the pro version then simply set the use_free_api to false. Translate batch of texts.

How to resolve TranslationError: DeepL call resulted in a unknown ...

EDIT: DeepL Python Library MrGuemez is partially right, requests only go through an official DeepL api key now. That being said, they have ...

Release notes - DeepL API Documentation

Added support for a new language for text translation: ZH-HANT (Traditional Chinese). ... Released an official Python client library. Added ...

Translate dataframe with DeepL - python - Stack Overflow

LanguageCode - the language code (see API doc) into which the text should be translated. It should be fine like this with standard libraries. Or ...