
Optimising the Cow Culling Decision in Beef Herds

Culling Considerations for Beef Cow-Calf Herd - Livestock

Producers should make culling decisions based on what is best for their farm's profitability, and what is best for animal well-being.

Optimising the Cow Culling Decision in Beef Herds -

of cows in autumn (at weaning) and cull cows accordingly. Apart from teeth, .r,owssregenetally .culled in .the higher .rainfall areas if they miss one calf.

Beef Cull Cow Management and Marketing Alternatives

Cow health is a key decision variable when considering retaining cows beyond culling them from the production herd. Cows must be healthy enough to continue ...

Toward an optimal culling strategy for beef cattle herds

Cull Decisions. Culling decisions are frequently based on the probability of pregnancy of a cow and the expected weight gain and quality of her ...

Culling the Commercial Cow Herd: BIF Fact Sheet | MU Extension

After culling for reproductive inefficiency and functionality, make decisions regarding weaning weights that are a highly correlated measure of ...

Culling - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

Cull cows make up 15 to 20 percent of the beef cow-calf herd income. They ... to make good culling decisions to remain profitable. Keeping the best ...

Beef Cull Cow Management and Marketing Alternatives

Culling a cow from the herd because of poor health or physical defects is ... to the decision to retain culls cows beyond the time of culling. Also ...

a systems approach to the determination of optimal beef herd culling ...

As management decisions are made to increase production, heifers are held off the market and the supply of cattle is reduced. Increased production will occur ...

Guidelines for Culling Cows - Noble Research Institute

For most cattle producers, culling cows is not an easy task. However, some culling needs to be done each year to maintain optimal productivity.

Optimal Beef Cow Culling Strategies in the U.S.: A Dynamic Linear ...

They demonstrated that culling decisions are sensitive to lower calving rates and changing cull cow prices with carcass quality (i.e., lower ...

Dairy Cow Culling Strategies: Making Economical Culling Decisions

Culling strategies are further influenced by short-term fluctuations in cow numbers as well as by planned herd expansion. Changes in herd size affect the ...

Optimal Beef Cow Culling Strategies in the U.S.: A Dynamic Linear ...

The results suggest that producers should cull all cows that are older than age 10 and cows that fail to calve once they reach the age of 7. The ...

Dairy cow culling strategies: making economical culling decisions

The computer technology that is available for dairy herd management has made feasible the use of economic models to support culling decisions. Financial ...


culling decisions in beef cattle. Several models suggest immediate replacement of all non- pregnant cows at weaning, with bred heifers, in spring calving herds.

Implementing a Defined Breeding Season to Optimize Herd ...

Management practices such as culling decisions influence profitability because open cows that remain in the herd will incur costs without ...

Invited Review: Genetic decision tools for increasing cow efficiency ...

This test helps inform culling decisions in high-altitude herds. Untested ... The average US beef cattle operation cannot afford the technology to collect these ...

post calving herd management - knowing when to cull - AHDB

Calculating replacement rate is an effective way of understanding culling practices in the herd. Approximately 16% of cows should be replaced each year. A lower ...

Keeping profitable cows in the herd: A lifetime cost-benefit ...

Culling decisions are mostly based only on current lactation costs and revenues. •. Cow lifetime profitability should be considered to optimize culling ...

4-Cull and replace females - More beef from pastures - MLA

To achieve the targeted rate of genetic progress and change in herd structure, a defined culling policy is needed for older cows. Carefully consider how to ...

Considerations When Making Beef Cow Culling Decisions - YouTube

Considerations When Making Beef Cow Culling Decisions · OSU BeefTeam · Marbling in Beef Cattle, the Result of Genetics and Proper Nutrition.