
Overcoming Polarizing and Authoritarian Politics

Overcoming Polarizing and Authoritarian Politics: Q&A with Murat ...

Their dominant position or self-image is threatened. Therefore. their polarizing-cum-transformative politics tries to exclude groups seen as ...

Overcoming Polarization - Project MUSE - Johns Hopkins University

Whether intentionally or not, elected officials around the world are subverting democracy from within by using polarizing political ...

7 Ideas to Reduce Political Polarization. And Save America from Itself.

1. Call out your own party. · 2. Avoid bad jokes. · 3. Make social media kinder.

Polarization, Democracy, and Political Violence in the United States

Affective polarization is unlikely to be causing democratic backsliding or political violence on its own. The problem is not polarized ...

How We Can Fix Our Polarized Politics | Journal of Democracy

Political polarization is deepening around the world — pitting citizens against one another, paralyzing governments, and sometimes stoking violence.

What Are the Solutions to Political Polarization?

This suggests that while there might be various political seeds that have helped drive the recent spike in polarization, it has gotten to a ...

Building bridges: How to overcome polarisation - LSE Blogs

Some good news first: political polarisation is not as bad a threat as the media like to claim. Most people on both ends of the ideological ...

Reducing extreme polarization is key to stabilizing democracy

Political polarization, or the “violence of faction” James Madison warned of in Federalist 10, is as great a threat to democracy today as it was in 1787.

Mainstream Parties in Crisis: Overcoming Polarization

Around the world, polarizing political strategies are pushing societies into a vicious cycle of zero-sum politics and eroding democratic norms.

Overcoming Polarization through Education and Engagement

Depolarize partisan attitudes. · Establish local chapters across the U.S. for people to connect constructively across political and social ...

Overcoming Polarization - Project MUSE

1 Such conditions can trap societies in a vicious cycle of polarizing strategies and democratic erosion, and the choices of political actors ...

Overcoming Pernicious Polarization and Protecting Democracy

Jennifer McCoy (Professor of Political Science, Georgia State University; Research Affiliate, CEU Democracy Institute; non-resident scholar, ...

Overcoming authoritarianism - Wisconsin Examiner

Teddy Roosevelt said 100 years ago, “We cannot have real political democracy unless we have something approaching economic democracy.” But we're ...

Overcoming political polarization: Strategies for diminishing ...

Such countries are considered to have authoritarian regimes, meaning they are outright dictatorships or countries where democratic institutions ...

A Conceptual Framework for Overcoming Political Polarization

This Article proposes a new conceptual paradigm for overcoming political polarization—the civic mindset. I argue that the primary ...

Divided we stand: The rise of political animosity - Knowable Magazine

For example, Adams' research highlights that inequality and unemployment drive affective polarization, and that winner-takes-all electoral ...

Us vs. them: Understanding the roots of political polarization and ...

Reversing Extreme Polarization ... Is there anything that can be done to overcome polarizing trends in the United States and elsewhere? Here are ...

Political polarization: how to overcome it and promote dialogue in ...

Political polarization is not necessarily bad for democracy as differences in positions, attitudes and policy can be positive and drive transformation.

Understanding and challenging authoritarianism

In June 2017, 35 researchers and activists from 20 countries joined TNI staff in Amsterdam to examine the new wave of authoritarian politics ...

Overcoming polarized politics | Newswise

They wage war against the media. And use the law to punish critics. When faced with political loss, they seek to delegitimize democracy with ...