
Overlapping Climate Policies

Overlapping Climate Policies | NBER

We develop a general framework to study how such “overlapping climate policies” can help combat climate change—depending on their design, ...

Overlapping Climate Policies - Arthur van Benthem

... overlapping climate policies” and ask a simple question: what is the climate benefit of a policy that overlaps an existing carbon-pricing system? As it is a ...


It shows how internal carbon leakage and the waterbed effect together drive the sign and magnitude of the overlapping policy's equilibrium impact on aggregate ...

Overlapping Climate Policies - Search eLibrary :: SSRN

We develop a general framework to study how such "overlapping climate policies" can help combat climate change---depending on their design, ...

Overlapping Climate Policies - jstor

Some policies leverage additional climate benefits elsewhere in the system while others backfire by raising aggregate emissions. Our model ...

Overlapping Climate Policies - IDEAS/RePEc

Abstract. The world is under pressure to deliver on the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. Individual jurisdictions are enacting policies such as phasing out coal, ...

Overlapping Climate Policies

Some policies leverage additional climate benefits elsewhere in the system while others backfire by raising aggregate emissions. Our model ...

Cost, innovation, and emissions leakage from overlapping climate ...

Jurisdictions have implemented a variety of policy instruments to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. However, interactions between ...

Overlapping climate policies - Cambridge Judge Business School

=⇒ What is the climate benefit of such overlapping policies? Answer depends on carbon market design as well as details of how overlapping policy ...

Subcommittee Report on Overlapping Policies

California's cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gases is a highly visible piece of the state's portfolio of climate policies.

Democratic Climate Policies with Overlapping Generations

I develop an overlapping generation model with political process micro-foundations and show how democratic climate policies are interconnected with other ...

Event: Overlapping Climate Policies - ZEW

The paper examines an integrated framework to understand the emissions impact of unilateral overlapping policies within a carbon-pricing system.

Overlapping Climate Policies - Search eLibrary :: SSRN

We develop a general framework to study how such “overlapping climate policies” can help combat climate change—depending on their design, ...

Overlapping efforts in the EU Emissions Trading System

This implies that a national climate policy that overlaps with the ETS can have an impact on total aggregate emissions. Roughly speaking, if firms increase ...

Overlapping Climate Policies - British Institute of Energy Economics

Our model encompasses almost every type of carbon-pricing system used in practice. Keywords: overlapping policy, internal carbon leakage, ...

Rate-Based Emissions Trading with Overlapping Policies

Jurisdictions that rely on emissions trading to control emissions often utilize other environmental or energy policies as well, ...

Overlapping Climate Policies - FoxHunt Search | Marist - Ex Libris

The world is under pressure to deliver on the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. Individual jurisdictions are enacting policies such as phasing out coal, taxing ...

Leakage in Climate Policy Discourse - Resources for the Future

If climate policies—and carbon pricing, specifically—create a risk of leakage, it is usually assumed that this is linked to higher production ...

global crises: risks and opportunities for climate policy - OECD iLibrary

OECD (2023), “Unpredictable and overlapping global crises: risks and opportunities for climate policy”, in Net. Zero+: Climate and Economic Resilience in a ...

Overlapping Climate Policies | Request PDF - ResearchGate

The mechanism for such a backfiring policy is similar to the Green Paradox in intertemporal carbon leakage (shifts in carbon emissions between time periods) 14 ...