
Oxpeckers in north|eastern Namibia

Oxpeckers in north-eastern Namibia: recent population trends and ...

In Namibia, oxpeckers are confined largely to the Caprivi region in the north-east and the yellowbilled oxpecker is classified as a Namibian Red Data species.

Oxpeckers in North-eastern Namibia: recent population trends and ...

Oxpecker populations have decreased along with reductions in the numbers of game animals, increased use of bird-poisoning acaricides and ...

Oxpeckers in Namibia: A review of their status and distribution in 2017

africanus, occur in Namibia with populations restricted to the extreme north-eastern parts (both species) and north-western parts of the ...

Oxpeckers in Namibia: A review of their status and distribution in 2017

Red-billed Oxpecker, Buphagus erythrorhynchus, and Yellow-billed Oxpecker, B. africanus, occur in Namibia with populations restricted to the ...

Oxpecker Host-Selection in the Salambala Conservancy ... - BioOne

The study conducted field observations and recorded data on the number of oxpeckers and their respective host species. Additionally, this study ...

Oxpeckers in north-eastern Namibia: recent population trends and ...

Article: Oxpeckers in north-eastern Namibia: recent population trends and the possible negative impacts of drought and fire.

Namibian poaching links - Oxpeckers

Oxpeckers tracked 14 GH2 projects in Namibia, finding implementation has been slow and the only real growth has been in bureaucracy. John Grobler investigates..

مرکز منطقه ای اطلاع رساني علوم و فناوري - Oxpeckers in north-eastern ...

title:Oxpeckers in north-eastern Namibia: recent population trends and the possible negative impacts of drought and fire Original Research Article ...

| Environmental Information Service Namibia: eLibrary

Red-billed Oxpecker, Buphagus erythrorhynchus, and Yellow-billed Oxpecker, B. africanus, occur in Namibia with populations restricted to the extreme north- ...

Conservation | The Return of the Oxpecker - Travel News Namibia

Yet, with the onset of colonialism, cattle ranching increased in north-central Namibia. Farmers shot most of the large game – the oxpeckers' natural hosts ...

The status and distribution of oxpeckers (Aves: Passeriformes

The status and distribution of oxpeckers in the Kavango and Caprivi are presented and the redbiiled oxpecker is the predominant species in theKavango.

Feeding ecology and interactions with mammal hosts in a symbiotic ...

Oxpeckers in north-eastern Namibia: recent population trends and the possible negative impacts of drought and fire. Biol. Conserv. 92, 241 ...

Red-Billed Oxpecker, Safari2Go -

Distribution: North-eastern Namibia only, notably along the Kavango and Kwando Rivers. Common in the Okavango Delta and Moremi Game Reserve. Diet: All food ...

The two oxpecker species reveal the role of movement rates and ...

Oxpeckers in north-eastern Namibia: recent population trends and the possible negative impacts of drought and fire. Biol. Conserv. 92, 241 ...

Namibia's secret ivory business - Oxpeckers

The carcass brought the number of elephants poached in Zambezi, in the far north-eastern region of Namibia, to 37 this year. Namibia is ...

YELLOW-BILLED OXPECKER | Buphagus africanus

and to a total of 484 birds for the whole of north-eastern. Namibia (Robertson & Jarvis 2000). All estimates were based on the proportion of birds seen on ...

Namibian Journal of Environment - Facebook

africanus, occur in Namibia with populations restricted to the extreme north-eastern parts (both species) and north-western parts ...

Red-billed oxpecker - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on

It ranges across Ethiopia and Somalia through Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, and Zambia to southern Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, southern Mozambique, and north-eastern ...

The Namibian Journal of Environment is a scientific e-journal ...

In Namibia, oxpeckers are currently limited to the extreme north-eastern and north-western parts of the country, although their historical ...

Red-billed oxpecker (Buphagus erythrorhynchus) on Impala, Krüger ...

... eastern South Africa. The species is perching on large wild and domesticated ... Nature conservancy North of Windhoek, Namibia · Nests of social weavers ...