
Parents should stop forcing religion on their children

Parents should stop forcing religion on their children - Reddit

If the child wants to follow another religion or not be religious at all, it's their choice. The child will just break those rules behind the parents' back.

Religion should not be forced onto children - Pipe Dream

While most intentions are pure, children should not be forced into a religion simply because it is the faith of their parents. Some argue that ...

Why shouldn't you force religion on your children? - Quora

Forced religion is very superficial and has no deep roots in a person's life. In saying that, the parents should expose their faith and explain ...

Why shouldn't we force religion on kids? - Global Comment

Forcing religion may seem like a good idea to some parents. ... their child will eventually find their faith and believe in what the parents do.

Parents, You're Not “Forcing Religion” on Your Kids When You ...

Sometimes parents of a child will say that they will not force their religion on their children. This is said sometimes even by Christian ...

Is it acceptable for a family to force a child into religion? And if the ...

If parent does not love,. like, care for or respect their kids, then sure. “Force” & compel compliance to act like YOU want them to re your ...

Parents should not force religion on their children - PantherNOW

Forcing a child to practice a religion they don't feel committed or connected could damage the child's overall outlook on religion and can make them resent ...

Richard Dawkins: Don't Force Your Religious Opinions on ... - Time

We wouldn't claim young kids are liberals or Libertarian, so why are we saddling them with the religious labels of their parents?

Why You'll Ruin Your Child's Life By Forcing Your Beliefs On Them

Parents who try to force their beliefs on their children are messing them up in a very dangerous way. They are damaging their relationships with them, ...

Is it Fair to Force Religion on an Individual Right After Birth?

At any rate, no, parents should not wait til their kids are young adults and then present the choice to them in such a manner as you seem to indicate. They ...

In the US, at what age can a child refuse to attend a religious service ...

The question here is whether there is a workable definition of when forcing a child to participate in religion against their will becomes so ...

Forcing children to follow parents religion? - Smashboards

Perhaps you could be killed for speaking out against a particular religion depending on the time and place.) Faith is a bigoted non-standard for ...

How to Deal With Overly Religious Parents Mindfully - LoveToKnow

Is It Legal for Parents to Force Religion? ... It is not legal for parents to force religion onto their children. Under the United States ...

Parents should not force their children into religion - The Diamondback

Should parents raise their kids to practice their religion from birth? It's a complicated issue, but it starts at a very basic level: consent. A ...

Don't Force Your Religious Opinions on Your Children

... of fact do automatically inherit the beliefs of their parents and our language should reflect this. Non-religious as well as religious ...

Let's Stop Pretending That Religion Is “Passed Down” To Children

As parents we can guide and inform our children's belief systems but we can't decide what they are. We can't pre-empt the process of a child ...

Should Parents Force Religion Onto Their Kids? - YouTube

Permission to Doubt Pt. 9 - Should Parents Force Religion Onto Their Kids Should Parents really force their beliefs onto their children?

Family Members' Religious Beliefs | Berkeley Parents Network

We respect you and your beliefs; please respect our right to raise our children to explore various traditions and think differently about religion. After she ...

How do you handle a mother who keeps pushing religion on me and ...

I DO NOT want to go, but if I don't there will be no forgiveness in this life or the next. All you can do is tell mom that you ARE religious, ...

Do you think it's wrong to force your beliefs on your children?

I would have to disagree with the use of the word "force". Parents love their children and it is out of this love that they pass on to them the ...