
Patents and pharmaceutical drugs

Frequently Asked Questions on Patents and Exclusivity - FDA

Exclusivity attaches upon approval of a drug product if the statutory requirements are met. Some drugs have both patent and exclusivity ...

Drug Patents and Generic Pharmaceutical Drugs - News-Medical

When a pharmaceutical company first develops a new drug to be used for a disease condition, it is initially sold under a brand name by which the clinicians ...

Drug patents: innovation v. accessibility - PMC

It's not that drug companies don't deserve patents, says ur Rehman, but rather that a balance is needed between protecting the commercial rights of innovators ...

Drug Patents: How Pharmaceutical IP Incentivizes Innovation and ...

In the US, as well as most other countries, patents are a legal mechanism that allow pharmaceutical companies to exclusively sell a drug ...

Pharmaceutical Patents: an overview

Patents for new methods of use (a new use for a drug or drug reformulation via extended-release drug versions, reduced dosing, or increased ease of use) can be ...

Pharmaceutical Patent Abuse: To Infinity and Beyond!

In a recent report from I-MAK, the top 12 brand drugs on the market last year are protected by a total of 848 patents (71 per drug) providing an average of 38 ...

$52.6 Billion: Extra Cost to Consumers of Add-On Drug Patents

In the $485 billion pharmaceutical industry, the 20-year primary patent on a drug starts with the discovery of a single new molecule that will, ...

How Big Pharma Rigged the Patent System - The American Prospect

Drug patents are supposed to expire in 20 years. Thanks to legal trickery, though, it usually takes a lot longer than that.

Strategic Patenting by Pharmaceutical Companies – Should ... - NCBI

Patents provide a 20-year monopoly right, during which a pharmaceutical company enjoys market exclusivity and can charge a monopoly price for ...

Patent Abuses Keep Prescription Drugs Unaffordable | Issues

A key reason drugs are so expensive is that brand-name drug manufacturers abuse America's patent system and the Food and Drug Administration's drug approval ...

The Role of Patents in the Pharmaceutical Sector - Minesoft

Pharmaceutical patents are exclusive rights granted to inventors, pharmaceutical companies, or research organisations to protect their innovations in drug ...

Patents and Exclusivity | FDA

With approaching patent expirations of several top selling prescription brand-name drugs, sponsors of innovator drug products and generic.

Patents, profits & American medicine: conflicts of interest in the ...

This essay describes what happens when the drive to bring patented new drugs to market begins to control medical institutions and professionals.

Patents: a necessary evil? - European Pharmaceutical Review

The innovator company typically holds several patents, including the product's active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) patent, which is usually ...

Pharmaceutical patents and the TRIPS Agreement

Governments have a range of public policy measures outside the field of intellectual property to address issues of access to and prices of drugs. For example, ...

Drug patents protect pharma profits. Track when they'll expire.

Years of expiration for principal patents protecting the top 30 pharmaceutical products by 2023 sales. The standard term for patents granted in ...

Challenging Drug Patents to Lower Prices - The Regulatory Review

Although there are on average 2.7 patents per drug, a 2018 study found that each of the 12 top-selling drugs in the United States had on average ...

Pat-INFORMED – The Gateway to Medicine Patent Information - WIPO

Pat-INFORMED provides a service to the global health community, particularly those involved in procurement of medicines, by facilitating easy access to ...

The Cost of Prescription Drug Patent Abuse - PIRG

Drug companies use patent lawsuits and other expensive, time consuming tactics to block and delay generic competition.

How Pharmaceutical Patents Contribute to Increased Drug Costs

Patents and Rising Drug Costs. While patent systems may provide incentives for innovation, misuse of patents has driven medication costs to a ...