
Persistence of learning gains from computer assisted learning

Persistence of learning gains from computer assisted learning ...

We conducted a clustered randomized experiment involving 2741 boarding students in 72 rural schools in China to evaluate impacts of CAL programs over the long ...

EJ1087764 - Persistence of Learning Gains from Computer Assisted ...

Computer assisted learning (CAL) programs have been shown to be effective in improving educational outcomes. However, the existing studies on CAL have ...

The Persistence of Gains in Learning from Computer Assisted ... - AWS

Computer assisted learning programs (CAL) have been shown to be effective in improving educational outcomes among students. However, the existing studies on CAL ...

Persistence of learning gains from computer assisted learning ...

Request PDF | Persistence of learning gains from computer assisted learning: Experimental evidence from China: Persistence of gains in learning from CAL ...

Better to be frustrated than bored: The incidence, persistence, and ...

For example, an immersive game-like learning environment may evoke a different profile of affective experiences than a classical computer-assisted instruction ( ...

The Effect of Computer-Assisted Learning on Students' Long-Term ...

Specifically, computer-aided learning (CAL) can narrow the education gap between urban and rural areas, reducing inequalities in education achievement. In China ...

Repeated mistakes in app-based language learning: Persistence ...

A substantial proportion of the total effect of prior knowledge on learning gains was mediated by the propensity to repeat mistakes. Children who made more ...

Instruction - Adult Learner Persistence - NELRC

The distance learning students, especially at the lower levels, showed higher learning gains than their classroom-based peers with the same amount of ...

The Educational Benefits of Computer-Aided Instruction - ERIC

given that computer technology may be used either to help poorly performing students or to enhance the learning of high achievers, it is unclear whether ...

Computer Assisted Learning For Enhancing Mastery Of Concepts In ...

study, the introduction of CAL led to significant learning gains obtained by the learners exposed to ... Pipeline persistence: Examining the association of ...

The Effect of Computer Assisted Learning on Children's Cognitive ...

Continuous investments into children's human capital may be the key to persistent and cumulative academic gains. Effect on Noncognitive Skills. Another ...

Teaching Teachers To Use Computer Assisted Learning Effectively

could be substantially greater from helping more students persist towards mastery. ... “Technology's Edge: The Educational. Benefits of Computer-Aided Instruction ...

Repeated mistakes in app-based language learning

A substantial proportion of the total effect of prior knowledge on learning gains was mediated by the propensity to repeat mistakes. Children ...

Computer-assisted instruction versus inquiry-based learning

After controlling for students' prior knowledge and socio-cognitive factors, multilevel modelling showed that CAI was more effective than IBL.

Coaching with Computer-Assisted Learning (CAL)

Computer-assisted learning (CAL) platforms offer a promising alternative to one-on-one tutoring because they are designed to help students progress at their own ...

Computer-Assisted Learning: Evidence from a Randomized ...

benefits for computer assisted instruction and provide some evidence that children who ... Because test scores have a strong persistent ...

Expanding School Time and the Value of Computer-Assisted Learning

intervention arms are additional math lessons based on computer-assisted learning (CAL) software. ... “The Persistence of Gains in Learning from Computer Assisted ...

A Simulation, Persistence, Engagement and Feedback Impact ...

learn computer networking); 2) Persistence - the continued and ... Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 18(3), 351–. 366. Tolmie, A. & Boyle ...

program design & management - Adult Learner Persistence - NELRC

Also, the DL students showed higher learning gains than their classroom-based participants with the same amount of instructional hours. Students at lower levels ...

How to Improve Education Outcomes Most Efficiently?

... gains in learning led to gains in participation (e.g. ... Persistence of learning gains from computer assisted learning: Experimental evidence from China.