
Persisting Object Oriented State in Functional Programming

oop - How is state persisted between function invocations in a ...

2. It's almost the entire point of functional programming languages that there is no state. · @Enigmativity Are you saying functional programming ...

Persisting Object Oriented State in Functional Programming - Code ...

Stateless functional code is great and easy to test. One will eventually need to manage state and, then eventually, persist that state.

How are entities with an identity and a mutable persistent state ...

In an answer to this question (written by Pete) there are some considerations about OOP versus FP. In particular, it is suggested that FP ...

How to handle "mutable state" in a pure functional way - Reddit

Even functional languages that use persistent objects like Clojure and Haskell ... What are the advantage of Object Oriented languages over ...

As there is no class in functional programming language, how can I ...

There is no class in C language neither, but people never have trouble to manage state. The Object-Oriented is uncessasary for states. We do ...

Functional programming in object oriented languages - haruki zaemon

In a sense each method describes the delta between the current state and the new state. Just like a persistent data structure. It reminds me of ...

Functional programming: Enemy of the state | Onur Gumus's blog

I said, “Hey, I have been using C. We already have functions there, and JavaScript also has functions, as many OOP languages have functions ...

Ending the war or continuing it? Let's bring functional programming ...

In contrast to Object-oriented Programming (OOP), which allows state but emphasizes encapsulation, functional programmers strive to ...

“Functional” Programming? - Elliot Suzdalnitski

To drive the point home, mutable state is an undisciplined approach to state management. Yes, mutable state, indeed, is the goto of state. Just ...

Combining Object-Oriented Programming and Functional ...

You can easily write a unit test for a function without side-effects. Multi-threading is also easy as long as you don't have any state. In other ...

What Functional Programming Taught Me About Object Oriented ...

Just because a class instance can modify its internal state doesn't mean it has to. It's just as easy to calculate the new state and create a ...

Functional programming - PlasticBlog - CodicePlastico

Object Oriented Languages is useful when you have a state to persist (as in a GUI application) but in other cases you don't need it. Consider a web app. The ...

Functional Programming Concepts - GID Master - Medium

So any function can be called from anywhere and change the state of data from any point of your application. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).

ObjectOriented Programming (OOP) Vs Functional Programming

State Handling: In OOP, managing state revolves around objects, where data and behavior are encapsulated. In FP, immutability is key, with ...

Functional programming - Wikipedia

It is a declarative programming paradigm in which function definitions are trees of expressions that map values to other values, rather than a sequence of ...

OOP: past, present, future - ewernli

Both paradigms might look contradictory at first (object-oriented programming is about mutability, functional programming about immutability).

How can pure functions represent state change? - YouTube

Nathan Herald: Persisting Object Oriented State in Functional Programming - Code Mesh 2017. Erlang Solutions•380 views · 43:21 · Go to channel ...

Orthogonal Persistence - Hacker News

Consider the understanding that we get from functional programming that state is generally dangerous and to be carefully managed. Pervasive persistence fights ...

Functional versus Object-Oriented: help me understand the purpose ...

Functional programming allows reusing functions just like OOP reuses classes. You can think of functional programs as a library with a single ...

or What's Wrong with Object-Oriented Programming? - Beyond Java

Manuel tackles things from a different angle. He doesn't believe that data and behavior belong together. He's pretty much convinced that the ...