
Personality Traits and Physical Activity

Associations between personality traits, physical activity level, and ...

The extraversion domain and its facets of warmth, activity, and positive-emotions were positively correlated with strength, independent of covariates. Mediation ...

Personality correlates of physical activity: a review and meta‐analysis

It has been suggested that personality traits such as E and C may act as good additional predictors of physical activity, because good intentions and other ...

The Influence of Physical Exercise on Adolescent Personality Traits

Physical exercise has a significant positive impact on the development of personality traits such as neuroticism, conscientiousness, and agreeableness.

Chapter 6 Personality and Physical Activity

Most theorists agree that primary traits interact with external factors to produce narrower, more contextualized social cognitive and motivational ...

Physical Activity and Personality Traits

Much of the recent research in physical activity has been with the five-factor model: neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness.

Personality traits moderate the relationships between psychological ...

Individuals with higher scores on neuroticism rated enjoyment as less important to exercise regularly and reported embarrassment of fitness testing as a barrier ...

Personality traits and physical functioning: a cross-sectional ...

Among the significant findings, the activity and positive emotion facets of extraversion and the facets of conscientiousness were positively ...

Personality traits may explain how individuals accumulate daily ...

Associations of personality traits with physical activity and sedentary behavior were observed in a study. Individuals characterized by high ...

How Personality Traits Shape Exercise Behaviors 5 Factors That ...

This article will explore the primary model of personality traits and share the current research on the links between personality traits and sport/physical ...

Personality Traits and Physical Activity: Insights from German ... - MDPI

While direct causality cannot be assumed, several factors may contribute to this finding. For instance, individuals high in Open-Mindedness tend to be ...

Personality and physical activity. - APA PsycNet

This chapter updates a prior meta-analysis of the relationship between higher-order personality traits and physical activity with new literature, ...

Chapter 6: Personality and Physical Activity - Raider Digital Publishing

Currently the cumulative evidence supports a modest relationship between personality and physical activity. In particular, self-reported physical activity has a ...

Exercise and personality - Human Kinetics

The relationship between physical activity involvement and the Big 5 personality traits of neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, ...

Personality and physical activity: A systematic review and meta ...

A positive association between physical activity and mental health is well established, particularly for lower symptoms of depression and ...

Personality Traits Linked to Physical Activity and Sedentary Patterns

A new study reveals that personality traits influence both physical activity and sedentary behavior patterns.

Associations of temperament and personality traits with frequency of ...

Women and men did not differ statistically significantly in their engagement in vigorous physical activity. With respect to exercise types, more women than men ...

(PDF) Physical Activity and Personality Traits - ResearchGate

Personality appears to be linked to higher-intensity and adventure activities more than lower-intensity leisure physical activities.

Personality influences physical activity: individuals with higher ...

The recent study combined, for the first time, data on personality trait profiles with device-based metrics of daily physical activity and ...

Personality traits influence physical activity and sedentary behavior

Associations of personality traits with physical activity and sedentary behavior were observed in a study conducted at the Gerontology ...

Personality and physical activity. - APA PsycNet

Personality has been an enduring interest of sport and exercise psychologists for decades. Currently there is strong evidence that personality is related to ...