
Plain Language Summary

How to write a plain language summary - AGU

Learn how to write a plain-language summary for your research. While scientists often communicate with peers in jargon, a plain language abstract can help ...

Plain Language Summaries: Home

Standalone, citable summaries published in Taylor & Francis journals written to be understood by a lay audience.

How to write and publish a Plain Language Summary |

Text Plain Language Summaries. To keep your Text Plain Language Summary (PLS) concise, it should be 250 words or less. Your PLS will be placed between the ...

A practical 'How-To' Guide to plain language summaries (PLS) of ...

The resulting 'How-To' Guide is a standalone, practical, ready-to-use tool to support multi-stakeholder co-creation of PLS.

Plain Language Study Results Summaries | Pfizer

What Are Plain Language Study Results Summaries?Plain Language Study Results Summaries are descriptions in everyday language of the design and results of ...

Plain Language Summary - AGU

It should summarize your scientific study, its results, and their broader relevance without using jargon so that it is understandable by scientists from outside ...

Plain Language Summaries | Journal of Parkinson's Disease

Plain Language Summaries are published alongside the scientific abstract, and are written in approachable, non-technical language. They are ...

PLAIN LANGUAGE SUMMARY - UW College of the Environment

A Plain Language Summary (PLS) is a concise, jargon-free paragraph summarizing a scientific study: the context for the work, the major results, and the So What?

Plain Language Guide to Write a Brief Summary -

A Brief Summary written in plain language helps the general public more easily understand a study's goal, research questions, and design.

Plain Language Summaries | SAGE Publications Inc

Plain Language Summaries (PLS) are extensions to the academic abstract of a scholarly article. They provide a clear summary of the article using non-technical ...

Plain Language Summary Tool

Plain Language Summaries (PLSs) help people to understand and interpret research findings and are included in all Cochrane Reviews. PLSs are created using ...

Plain Language Summaries | Journal of Comparative Effectiveness ...

Plain Language Summary of Publication articles (PLSPs) are standalone articles published in JCER with their own unique DOI and are thus fully citable. They are ...

Plain Language Summaries | American Society of Agronomy

Plain language summaries allow you to explain your research in simple terms. Plain Language Summary Guidelines. The plain language summary is aimed at ...

Guidelines for Plain Language Summaries

Guidelines for Plain Language Summaries · The PLS should have a maximum of 250 words. · Each sentence should contain no more than 25 words. · Each word should ...

Plain Language Summaries (PLS) | SAGE Publications Inc

What are Plain Language Summaries (PLS)? PLS sit after the academic abstract. They consist of a plain language title (~50 words) and a clear summary of the ...

Writing a Plain Language Summary - Canadian Science Publishing

A plain language summary is a summary of your article that is written in a way that allows readers to easily understand and use the information being shared.

Plain language summaries: A systematic review of theory ...

Plain language summaries (PLSs) have been introduced to communicate research in an understandable way to a nonexpert audience.

Plain Language Summaries - Day One Clinical Trials

A plain language summary (PLS) is to provide a clear and concise summary of clinical research, written for members of the public rather than for health care ...

FAQs - Plain Language Summaries

PLSPs are a longer type of PLS, providing a complete summary of a publication written in non-technical language laid out in an infographic style with images ...

Plain Language Summaries - Abbvie Clinical Trials

Plain language summaries describe the outcome of a clinical trial for a participant in everyday language that is understandable to people who do not have a ...