
Politics Is the Christian's Responsibility

How should a Christian view politics? |

There is no doubt that government is necessary, and our responsibility is to obey the laws and be good citizens (Romans 13:1–2). God has ...

Politics Is the Christian's Responsibility - American Family Association

Christians must recognize that their civic duty extends beyond the church and into the voting booth. But voting alone is not enough. Wildmon ...

Why Christians should be involved in politics - Grace + Truth

The Bible is hugely political – in that it is about how God wants people to behave and act towards him, and towards each other. This involves economics and law ...

Christians Have a Responsibility and Privilege to Get Engaged in ...

Christians Have a Responsibility and Privilege to Get Engaged in Politics · Pray for our nation and elected officials regularly; · Vote in every ...

Christians And Politics: Serving Two Masters? - Moody Church Media

First, we must keep in mind that no one party is entirely good or entirely bad. The fact is that we live in a fallen world, and thus will always be led by ...

The Christian and Politics: Our Privilege and Responsibility

Colossians 1:18 teaches that that Jesus must have first place in everything. Politics is a “thing”, so we must make sure that Jesus has first ...

The Christian's Responsibility to Government | Redeemer Church

We should submit to governing authorities when they promote good and when they punish evil. We should protest when authority becomes tyranny.

Why I believe that Christians should not be involved in politics

Christians have a moral obligation to oppose things which are anti-Christian and this at times necessitates political participation. Good influence. Christians ...

What's the Problem with Politics in the Church? - Christian Standard

This means we are responsible for those in power and the standard we live by. We have the freedom to preach Christ only so long as we maintain a ...

Christians and Politics: 5 Principles for Christian Interaction with the ...

Choose to be influenced by theology over ideology. Prioritize Christian witness over political power. Choose influence over susceptibility. Trust in God instead ...

Politics is the Christian's Responsibility - YouTube

Don Wildmon addresses the often-overlooked topic of a Christian's responsibility in politics. He explains the misconceptions about politics ...

Politics: How Involved Should Christians Be? - Decision Magazine

In other words, by voting, Christians are entrusting their “sword-bearing” responsibility to officials who will govern on their behalf. Seen ...

A Christian's Role in Politics - TPUSA Faith

Part of a Christian's role in politics is the responsibility to teach the world how to live righteously with God and with other people. What Romans 13 actually ...

How should Christians engage in politics?

The only responsibility given to those under authority in Romans 13 is to be subject to it! Not to do so is to incur judgment (v. 2). We honor ...

Christianity and Politics | Modern Reformation

As individuals, on the other hand, Christians must faithfully discharge their duties as citizens within whatever political system they find themselves.

What Is a Christian's Responsibility to Government?

Our basic posture toward government, according to the New Testament, is to be submissive and obedient citizens of the state.

The Christian's Responsibility to Government, Part 1 - Grace to You

The issue of the Christian's relationship to government is a very important issue. It has been through all of the church's history.

The Kingdom of God and Christian Politics - The Gospel Coalition

Let me state once again our conclusion: the Christian should support a political programme which aims at the ideals reflected in the kingdom of God whilst also ...

Bible Q&A: Should Christians Be Involved in Politics?

Should Christians be involved in politics, such as campaigning for a candidate? There's nothing in Scripture that directly promotes or ...

The Christian Community and Political Responsibility: Romans 13:1-7

The Christian Community and Political Responsibility: Romans 13:1-7. Jon Isaak. Let every person be subject to the governing authorities; for there is no ...