
Powershell to list all local admins in a list of servers

Powershell to list all local admins in a list of servers - Reddit

Anyone has a magical script to get a csv with all the local admins for all the servers listed in a csv file?

Get-LocalGroupMember (Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts)

This command gets all the members of the local Administrators group. Parameters. -Group. Specifies the security group from which this cmdlet gets members. Type: ...

PowerShell - server local admins reporting from a list of servers

If you really need information about the users in the local Administrators group, you can use the cmdlets from the PSv5.1+ Microsoft.

Powershell script to get local admins and device OU from list of servers

If you have a list of servers, you can feed the list to a ForEach loop and run Get-ADComputer for each server. Get-ADComputer will return the distinguishedName ...

How to get admin local from all computers in domain - Microsoft Learn

How can I do to get all admin local in domain? I tried command below but error $computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter * | Select-Object ...

Easily Find Local Administrators on all Computers

Get Local Administrators using PowerShell ... Use the Get-LocalGroupMember cmdlet to get members of the local administrator group. ... In the above ...

How to get the local Administrators group members using PowerShell?

To get the local Administrators group members using PowerShell, you need to use the GetLocalGroupMember command.

How to Use PowerShell to Find Local Administrators - NinjaOne

In today's digital era, system administration and security management often require the use of scripts. One vital aspect of maintaining ...

How to Get Local Admins with PowerShell - Lansweeper

Active Directory Module: This script requires the ActiveDirectory module, typically available on Windows Server with Active Directory role or on ...

How to Get Local Administrators with or without PowerShell - Netwrix

You can use PowerShell commands and scripts to list local administrators group members. However, this approach requires quite a lot of time, as well as ...

How to Get a List of Local Administrators on Computers

In this example, the script finds the members of all Active Directory groups that are local administrators on this computer (the Get- ...

Get local admins in PS with more than ONE machine with PowerShell

that should do it, populate $computers with the IP addresses manually, read them in from a csv, or get the machine names from ad! neally (Neally) ...

Local Administrators on remote PC's - PowerShell Forums

Hello, Sorry for the knowledge on this but I have been tasked with providing a list of accounts under the local administrator on PC's that ...

list all local admins with properties report - PowerShell Forums

I am trying to work out a method of getting a report of all local administrators for a group of servers. The servers are on multiple domains and some are not ...

How to get list of Local Administrators on Windows computer

To see all admins on Windows devices, open Settings > Accounts > Family & Other people. Here, a list of all users, including administrators, will appear.

Get Local Admin Group Members in a New Old Way

I have a quick post today on using WMI to list members of the local administrators group. It is very simple to get the group itself with the ...

Retrieve Local Administrators from Multiple Computers

A forum user asked for assistance with a PowerShell script that would read a list of servers from a text file and then either show the list ...

Create a list of local administrators with PowerShell - 4sysops

The PowerShell script described in this post creates a member list of the local administrator group and export the information to a CSV ...

Use PowerShell to List Local Administrators on a Remote Computer

Use PowerShell to List Local Administrators on a Remote Computer ... Many solutions I've seen end up looping through all the users on the entire ...

How to find the list of domain administrators using Powershell

To list domain administrators, you can use the Get-ADGroupMember cmdlet to retrieve members of the "Domain Admins" group. This group typically contains domain ...