
Preparing for Climate Change in California

Overview of California's Climate Change Preparations

AB 1482, which requires the California Natural Resources Agency and Strategic Growth Council to coordinate and oversee state efforts to prepare for the impacts ...

Getting Started with Climate and Resilience

Generally, climate adaptation is an action or set of actions that reduce physical climate risk. California is taking steps to prepare for the impacts of a ...

Overview of the California Climate Adaptation Strategy -

California is taking steps to prepare for the impacts of a changing climate at the state, regional, and local levels. Preparing for these changes is called ...

Preparing California for a Changing Climate

But the state also needs an integrated policy to prepare for―and adapt to―climate change. This report finds that some institutions, such as water agencies and ...

Preparing for California's Changing Climate - River Partners

The kinds of interventions we need are things like floodplain restoration and groundwater banking. If you do them right, they have a lot of co- ...

How Proposition 4 Would Prepare California for Climate Change's ...

Proposition 4 represents a crucial investment in California's future. By focusing on disaster prevention and improving the resilience of the ...

Preparing California's agricultural lands for climate change

Balancing water quality with water conservation ... A relatively simple, yet underutilized agricultural practice called cover cropping could play ...

Preparing for Climate Change: A Perspective from Local Public ...

The state, through the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), is also working to develop disease surveillance indicators for climate-change–related ...

California Is a Model for Climate Change Action When International ...

A majority of Californians say that it is “very important” for the state government to pass regulations and spend money now to prepare for the ...

Will California's solutions to climate change be enough?

Gavin Newsom signed a $15-billion package to fight and prepare for global warming. In 2022, the state passed nearly 40 climate change laws aimed ...

Prepare for Climate Change - City of San Rafael

Prepare for Climate Change · Studies consistently show that those who are more connected to others are more resilient, happy, and healthy. · This is Marin's ...

California report to legislators: Prepare for climate change - CalMatters

The Legislative Analyst's Office provides a litany of sobering climate change impacts for California legislators to address as they enact policies and set ...

Preparing for Climate Change Impacts in California

The effects of climate change are apparent throughout California, including higher temperatures, more extreme wildfires, and rising sea ...

Climate Action Plans - Institute for Local Government

CARB's 2022 Scoping Plan for Achieving Carbon Neutrality lays out a path to achieve targets for carbon neutrality and reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) ...

California Climate Change

CLIMATE CHANGE THREATENS CALIFORNIALS FUTURE. Increases in global emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) are leading to higher air and water temperatures as ...

Preparing for Climate Change Impacts in Los Angeles

ing and the effects are appar- ent all over california. higher temperatures, more extreme wildfires, and rising sea levels are some.

A Guidebook for Local, Regional, and State Governments

Preparing for Climate Change: A Guidebook for Local, Regional, and State Governments is designed to help local, regional, and state governments prepare for ...

Preparing for climate change: a perspective from local public health ...

Overall, the results suggest that local public health agencies in California are likely in a better position than they perceive to address the threats ...

Preparing for the Impacts of Climate Change in California

Key Finding #1: California's response to climate change is not a simple choice between mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the impacts of ...

Preparing for the effects of climate change - a strategy for California

A Report by the California Adaptation Advisory Panel to the State of California on critical steps needed to adapt to the effects of climate change: