
Prisma and React

React with Prisma | Next-Generation Node.js and TypeScript ORM

Prisma is a next-generation ORM for Node.js & TypeScript. It's the easiest way to connect React apps to MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, CockroachDB, ...

Getting Started with Prisma React: Seamless Integration for Full ...

Setting Up Prisma in a React Project · Step 1: Initialize a New React Project · Step 2: Add a Backend (e.g., Express.js) · Step 3: Install ...

Build a Fully Type-Safe Application with GraphQL, Prisma & React

Learn how to implement end-to-end type safety in an application using React, GraphQL, and Prisma.

Is React + Next + Prisma a full-stack? : r/nextjs - Reddit

Prisma is an ORM that lets you query a database. If you are just prototyping, i recommend stick with Firebase (or Supabase). Authentication, Storage and other ...

prisma/react-native-prisma - GitHub

A Prisma engine adaptation for React Native. Please note that this is in Early Access. Installation Install @prisma/client , @prisma/react-native and the react ...

react-prisma - NPM

(Deprecated) Experimental wrapper around `@prisma/client` for React Server Components. Latest version: 5.1.2, last published: a year ago.

Bringing Prisma ORM to React Native and Expo

Prisma ORM now provides Early Access support for React Native and Expo. The integration introduces reactive queries, using React hooks to ...

Rendering Prisma Queries With React Table: The Low-Code Way

Tables are most commonly used to render database query results — in modern times, the output of an ORM. In this post, I'll introduce a way of ...

How To Build a Recipe App Using React, Prisma, and GraphQL

In this tutorial, we will be building a fully functional recipe app using React and Prisma to manage GraphQL.

Full-Stack Next.js Blog App with Prisma and Tanstack React Query

In this tutorial, we'll create a blog app using Next.js. We'll use Prisma as an ORM to interact with a PostgreSQL database.

Full-stack CRUD with Prisma, Express and React - GitHub

This project is a full-stack CRUD (create, read, update, delete) application using Prisma, Express, and React - faisalfjri/crud-prisma-express-react.

Using Prisma With React

Prisma replaces traditional ORMs and can be used to build GraphQL servers, REST APIs, microservices & more.

react-prisma examples - CodeSandbox

Use this online react-prisma playground to view and fork react-prisma example apps and templates on CodeSandbox.

Is it possible to use Prisma in a react native app? - Stack Overflow

sql-server; swift; django; angular; objective-c; excel; pandas; angularjs; regex; typescript; ruby; linux; ajax; iphone; vba; xml; laravel

End-To-End Type-Safety with GraphQL, Prisma & React: Frontend

In this series you will learn how to implement end-to-end type safety using React, GraphQL, Prisma, and some other helpful tools that tie those three together.

Local-first application with Prisma ORM & Expo - YouTube

Let's build a local first application by trying out Prisma on React Native with SQLite database. It seems that the queries can be reactive ...

End-To-End Type-Safety with GraphQL, Prisma & React: API Prep

In this series you are learning how to implement end-to-end type safety using React, GraphQL, Prisma, and some other helpful tools that tie those three ...

Prisma and React - YouTube

How Prisma and React work together. ---- Video Suggestions: Trello: Join the Trello board: ...

How to Build a Fullstack App with Next.js, Prisma, and Vercel Postgres

In this guide, you'll learn how to implement a sample fullstack blogging application using the following technologies: Next.js as the React ...

Mastering Prisma with React: The Seamless Path to Full-Stack ...

In a world where full-stack development can often feel overwhelming, Prisma is the tool that makes it all make sense. It gives you the ...