
Problem disabling timer interrupts during ISR call

Problem disabling timer interrupts during ISR call - Arduino Forum

The problem I'm having is figuring out how to turn on the valve for a certain amount of time. Ideally, the python code sends a message over serial with the ...

disabling interrupts inside an ISR - AVR Freaks

Since interrupts are disable while in the ISR, no other interrupts can be serviced. This usually causes problems with expected behavior. Keeping ISR's short ...

ISR won't stop getting called : r/osdev - Reddit

If it helps, you're probably already disabling and re-enabling interrupts. If you use an interrupt gate in your IDT, the CPU will disable ...

You cannot enable interrupts within an ISR - Arduino Forum

I sometimes enable interrupts within an ISR when the time critical part has finished, and sometimes I even do this to allow the ISR to be ...

Interrupts disabled during Interrupt handling - Stack Overflow

... ISR has to execute a relevant code to siren or automatically dial fire department. ... timer, OS Clock) depend on a hardware timers interrupt. The ...

Solved: Re: Disabling Global Interrupts inside ISR - NXP Community

The requests set the global variables inside the Receive ISR. Subsequently, the highest priority (lowest importance) PIT Timer ISR reads those ...

Appropriate way to disable interrupts during runtime / while the ...

I see there are two ways of disabling a specific ISR using the STM32 HAL. To use the Timer Input Capture ISRs as an example, there is ...

ADC ISR is not working when CPU Timer 0 interrupt ... - TI E2E

Sometimes ADC ISR gets called for certain time and sometimes ADC ISR never called, for both removing and including EINT. Also, when I ...

Auto-Disable Interrupts Around Functions Used in ISRs

The problem is that you have to explicitly disable ISRs everytime you use it in main, or you risk the ISR calling it inside the function call in main. This ...

What happens when ISR execution time is longer than interrupt occurs

That PIC will disable interrupts as soon as it enters the interrupt routine. So, yes, the ISR won't be called again while inside the ISR. From ...

Disable interrupt in ISR on STM32F4 - Electronics Stack Exchange

However, re-enabling the interrupt "after some time" doesn't happen by itself. You could use another timer for this, to create the delay you ...

System calls (int 0x21) are crashing my timer isr.

Well, here's the thing. The timer is IRQ0, which places it on the top of the interrupt priority pile. That means that if you're in the ISR for a ...

arduino mega - Timer (or other) interrupt happens while servicing an ...

The input arrives, the ISR is entered, interrupts are (automatically by default?) disabled, I service the input (quickly!), but while that's ...

IntervalTimer/ISR question - Teensy Forum

Just use one: Count to 5 (5 interrupts) for "actuation" and 1 for "drain". Don't start and stop the timers. But, on the other hand, 10ms are a ...

ISR System timer - Keil forum - Arm Community

Hello,. I've installed a system timer (AT91RM9200 controller) - which runs without problems... I use this timer for several things.

Timer-ISR not called after some while - Raspberry Pi Forums

Everything is working, only the ISR is not called anymore. I connected with J-LINK and Debugger an monitored a count variable in the timer isr.

xTaskGenericNotifyFromISR() is not working if called twice in ISR ...

I Have 2 interrupts a) EXTI: First one is external interrupts which enables a immediate timer(TIM) interrupt. · I am calling xTaskNotifyFromISR() ...

Pending and disabling of interrupts in STM32L431RCT6

The result - you've got TIM6 interrupt disabled but ISR still running. You can solve this by either making both interrupts the same priority or implementing a ...

Must disable interrupt detection on servicing interrupt?

Interrupts are automatically disabled by hardware when the ISR is entered. Stellae Tempus ¿General interrupt disabling on entering interrupt ...

Interrupt Problems - AGAIN! - CCS :: View topic

As soon as I leave the RDA ISR, the timer interrupt starts again. The CCS manual states that there is no need to disable interrupts when in an ...