
Production of the English vowels in Cantonese and Japanese children

Production of the English vowels in Cantonese and Japanese children

The English vowels are basically distinguishable in the speech of Japanese children, while Cantonese speakers tend to merge some English mid and low vowels, ...

Cross-linguistic studies of children's and adults' vowel spaces - PMC

The speech samples were from five different languages, Cantonese, American English, Greek, Japanese, and Korean, and were produced by subjects in three ...

A Population Study of Children's Acquisition of Hong Kong ...

However, it is feasible to consider this factor in Cantonese, as there are fewer initial consonants in Cantonese than in English (19 compared with 23), fewer ...

Vowel and diphthong development in Cantonese-speaking children.

features and laryngeal features (tense/lax). · English-speaking children aged 16 to 72 months. · One of their collaborators reported that 20 ...

Advanced Cantonese ESL learners' production of English speech ...

For example, English /æ/ is found to have often been replaced by a similar Cantonese vowel in production, namely /e/ (Sewell, 2009). Other than this, there are ...

Vowel development in young Mandarin-English bilingual children

The results showed that children in the Bi-low group produced their English vowels into clusters and showed positional deviations from the ...

Japanese kids, English vowels, and Logic Of English - Reddit

It turns out English has 15 vowel sounds, about three times as many as Japanese. For example, Japanese doesn't have a short /ĭ/ sound or a short /ŭ/.

Vowel and diphthong development in Cantonese-speaking children

Over 7,000 vowels and diphthongs were transcribed and analysed to determine the accuracy of production of Cantonese vowels and diphthongs. A ...

A preliminary study on Cantonese vowel development by young ...

phonological development of two Cantonese-English bilingual children. ... Phonological Production in Young. Speakers of Cantonese as a Heritage Language.

Language-specific developmental differences in speech production

continuity) by comparing the acoustics of /s/ and /ʃ/ sounds produced by English- and Japanese-speaking children. These two sounds are ...

1 Title: Phonological Differences between Japanese and English

The differentiation between tense and lax vowels is made according to how much muscle tension or movement in the mouth is involved in producing vowels ...

Prosodic interaction in Cantonese-English bilingual children's ...

First, the more dominant the child is in Cantonese, the less bilingual intonation is produced in Cantonese and code-mixed utterances. Second, ...

The Acquisition of Vowel Length in Cantonese - CORE

Similarly, a minimally bimoraic foot is also found to constrain the early word productions of child speech in the acoustic study of three. Japanese-acquiring ...

A developmental study of English vowel production and perception ...

Some vowels produced by NK children were heard as intended significantly more often than vowels produced by NK adults. Acoustic analyses revealed that NK ...

Cross‐linguistic acquisition of vowels: English, Korean, Greek, and ...

The vowels /i/, /u/, and /a/ were elicited in familiar words using a word repetition task. Productions of target words were recorded and ...


We are conducting a longitu- dinal collection of L2 English speech produced by native Japanese children in a domestic elementary school to reveal how children's ...

Acoustic Properties of Vowel Production in Mandarin-English Bilingual

1 In this dissertation, we use the term 'Mandarin' to refer to Standard Chinese (Putonghua). Page 26. 9 monolingual children. To accomplish these goals we ...

The acquisition of lexical tones by Cantonese–English bilingual ...

We examined the production of Cantonese tones by five simultaneous bilingual children ... Kong Cantonese consonants, vowels and tones ...

Pronunciation Problems of Chinese Learners of English - ERIC

Problems in segmental aspects are primarily concerned with the articulation of single phonemes or combinations of phonemes in both vowels and consonants. In ...

A Challenge to Whole-word Phonology? A Study of Japanese and ...

The most extreme cases are seen in children who produce word forms containing only consonants or vowels that share some features. For ...