
Productivity in the NHS

NHS productivity - NHS England

Acute hospital productivity · Implied productivity in the acute sector is 1.2% higher than 2022/23 (M11 YTD), with output (cost weighted ...

Productivity In The NHS And Health Care Sector | The King's Fund

The plan states that this will be achieved by a target to increase NHS productivity growth to an average of 1.9% from 2025/26 to 2029/30, rising ...

More money and staff – so why isn't the NHS more productive? - BBC

NHS England estimates that during 2023-24, 350,000 more treatments would have been started if there had been no industrial action. But even that ...

Are people getting less from the NHS?

NHS England analysis estimates that the industrial dispute has had an impact on NHS productivity of around 3 per cent. It reports: 'adjusted ...

What are the barriers to improving performance and productivity?

The University of York's Centre for Health Economics compiles annual reports about NHS productivity. Prior to the pandemic its research highlighted how NHS ...

Addressing the NHS's Productivity Crisis Through Improved ...

Addressing the NHS's Productivity Crisis Through Improved Clinician Satisfaction. Bain's 2024 UK Front Line of Healthcare Survey explores the ...

NHS productivity: from diagnosis to action - The Health Foundation

NHS productivity: from diagnosis to action · Investing in infrastructure and equipment · Optimising use of AI and digital technology · Improving ...

Productivity in the NHS: what's getting in the way? | Nuffield Trust

The NHS has a productivity challenge. Quite simply, more money and more staff are not translating into enough care. A brand new government, in ...

Does the NHS have a productivity problem? - The BMJ

“Healthcare is considerably less productive than other sectors of the economy. Bearing in mind that growth in health spending has outstripped ...

Is there really an NHS productivity crisis? | Institute for Fiscal Studies

It is difficult to measure NHS productivity. But the available evidence strongly suggests that the NHS is less productive now than ...

How productive is the NHS? - Research, University of York

The issue. Measuring inputs such as staff, hospital beds, medicines and outputs, such as GP consultations, operations and hospital stays, gives an indication of ...

The NHS's productivity dilemma - The Health Foundation

Recommendations for policy and practice · Prioritising workforce wellbeing. The productivity challenge is a people challenge. · Focusing on ...

10. Improve productivity and reduce variation across the health system

As part of the spending review settlement, the NHS has agreed to deliver an annual efficiency of 2.2%. Most of this will need to be delivered via local ...

Thoughts On The NHS's Productivity Decline | The King's Fund

In crude terms, productivity in health care is measured by looking at how the outputs of a health care system (eg, accident and emergency (A&E) ...

How do we solve the NHS productivity puzzle? - New Statesman

How do we solve the NHS productivity puzzle? Can digital solutions improve outcomes? ... The episode was not found or is unavailable. The NHS is ...

The NHS productivity puzzle - Institute for Government

The NHS crisis will only be solved with capital investment, increasing management capacity and staff retention – not just more doctors and ...

NHS hospital productivity: some positive news - IFS

After a post-pandemic fall-off, NHS hospital productivity has increased over the last year, with hospital activity growing faster than ...

NHS productivity | Nuffield Trust

NHS productivity. The puzzle of why the NHS is delivering little more activity despite receiving more money and employing many more staff is a critical policy ...

Productivity of the English National Health Service 2021/22 update

In this report we extend previous investigations into NHS productivity growth carried out at the University of York. Embedded in National ...

Public service productivity, healthcare, England: financial year

Public service healthcare productivity increased by 20.3% in the financial year ending (FYE) 2022, following a fall of 22.4% in FYE 2021, ...