
Protecting legitimate tenure rights

Protecting legitimate tenure rights: From concepts to practice

This legal brief discusses the meaning and implications of recognizing legitimate tenure rights, then outlines possible ways forward.

Protecting legitimate tenure rights: From concepts to practice

This legal brief discusses the meaning and implications of recognizing legitimate tenure rights, then outlines possible ways forward for States, ...

Securing Land Tenure and Property Rights for Stability and Prosperity

Supporting legal, policy, and institutional reforms and human capacity development,; Reducing costs and improving efficiencies through partnerships and ...

Legal empowerment to promote legitimate tenure rights

Over the past 30 years, an increasing number of states have passed good laws that significantly strengthen the tenure rights of their citizens.

The power of human rights to protect tenure rights

Legitimate tenure rights apply to all rights to own and/or access land and its resources, whether these are formally documented (such as through a land title) ...

recognition and respect for tenure rights |

protected by law and women's tenure rights (fao 2012). in ... have responsibilities to respect human rights and legitimate tenure rights (fao 2012).

module 8 - secure tenure rights to land - UN-Habitat

All forms of tenure should provide people with a degree of tenure security, with states protecting legitimate tenure rights, ensuring that people are not ...

VGGT: The global guidelines to secure land rights for all

Those States adhering to the VGGT commit themselves to considering existing land users' tenure rights, regardless of their legal status, ...

Land rights: The key to sustainable prosperity | UNCCD

This tool maps legitimate tenure rights, supporting a transparent process that helps stakeholders record and protect their rights. The ...

Protecting legitimate tenure rights: From concepts to practice - Mokoro

There is greater recognition that policies and projects should respect legitimate tenure rights. But this concept has often proved difficult to ...

Protecting legitimate tenure rights: From concepts to practice

There is greater recognition that policies and projects should respect legitimate tenure rights. But this concept has often proved difficult to ...

Examining sources of land tenure (in)security. A focus on authority ...

The article finds that while a general agreement exists in terms of tenure security being about the recognition and protection of one's legitimate tenure rights ...

Land Tenure Rights as the Basis for Restoring Land and Biodiversity ...

Protecting legitimate land tenure rights safeguards human rights and enables the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems. Making land rights ...

Guiding principles on security of tenure for the urban poor - ohchr

The concept of legitimate tenure rights extends beyond mainstream notions of private ownership and includes multiple tenure forms deriving from ...

Promoting participatory law-making for recognition of legitimate ...

In the field of land rights, participatory law-making can help ensure the recognition and protection of legitimate tenure rights. The ...

Due diligence and the protection of legitimate tenure rights and ...

Due diligence should be central to the protection of human rights and associated tenure rights by investors. Lawyers play a key role in advising on and ...

VGGT Tool - Interlaken Group

States and companies have a responsibility to respect and protect the legitimate land and forest tenure rights held by communities and households (Articles 3.2, ...

Legitimate Tenure Rights for Food Security, Climate Resilience and ...

Why do we focus on securing legitimate land rights? to safeguard people from chronic poverty and food insecurity. Research, as well as practical experience in ...

The power of human rights to protect tenure rights

The world is in the throes of a chronic food crisis. One of the root causes is insecure land tenure rights for millions of smallholder ...

The Future of Customary Tenure | LandLinks

Fifth, recognizing customary land rights provides a degree of legal protection for property owners who risk losing their rights in the transition to statutory ...