
Pseudoephedrine and Air Travel–Associated Ear Pain in Children

Pseudoephedrine and air travel-associated ear pain in children

Ear pain is not uncommon in children traveling by commercial aircraft. The predeparture use of pseudoephedrine does not decrease the risk for in-flight ear ...

Pseudoephedrine and Air Travel–Associated Ear Pain in Children

The predeparture use of pseudoephedrine does not decrease the risk for in-flight ear pain in children but is associated with drowsiness.

Pseudoephedrine and Ear Pain in Children During Air Travel - AAFP

Maneuvers believed to help prevent ear pain associated with air travel include chewing gum, yawning and swallowing during ascent and descent of ...

Pseudoephedrine fails the ear-pain test in children during air flights

Share ... The results of a trial of the decon-gestant pseudoephedrine suggest that the drug does not decrease ear pain in children during air travel. But more ...

Pseudoephedrine Does Not Prevent Air-Travel-Related Ear Pain in ...

Pseudoephedrine HCl (PSE) has been shown to reduce ear discomfort associated with ascent and descent in airplanes in adults. Children have ...

Pseudoephedrine Ineffective in Air-Travel-Related Ear Pain in ...

Analysis of a subgroup of children with colds or a history of ear pain, who were considered to be at high risk for in-flight ear pain, also ...

Flying and Your Child's Ears (for Parents) | Nemours KidsHealth

These tips can help equalize the air pressure in your child's ears and prevent or decrease ear pain during air travel. Have your child: ... If your child takes ...

[PDF] Pseudoephedrine and air travel-associated ear pain in children.

The predeparture use of pseudoephedrine does not decrease the risk for in-flight ear pain in children but is associated with drowsiness.

Efficacy of Pseudoephedrine for the Prevention of Barotrauma ...

The two treatment groups were similar with regard to age, sex, weight, and flight profile (P > .1). Ear discomfort was present in 32% (31 of 96) of those ...

Pseudoephedrine No Help for Ear Pain in Flying Children - Newswise

Contrary to popular practice, giving pseudoephedrine to children prior to air travel does nothing to reduce ear pain associated with landing ...

Preventing Ear And Sinus Pain While Flying - ENT Care, Rockville, MD

Spray Afrin nasal decongestant spray twice into each nostril one hour prior to flying. Begin taking a decongestant, like Sudafed, one hour before the flight.

Pseudoephedrine and Air Travel–Associated Ear Pain in Children ...

Young children often appear bothered by ear pain during ascent and descent while traveling on commercial airplanes. While pseudoephedrine hydrochloride is ...

Middle-ear pain and trauma during air travel - PMC - PubMed Central

Oral pseudoephedrine may reduce symptoms in adults with previous ear pain during flights. We don't know whether oral pseudoephedrine is also beneficial in ...

7 Ways to Soothe Your Kids' Ears on Flight

Because children and particularly babies can have underdeveloped eustachian tubes, this increases their risk of ear pain during air travel. If ...

Pseudoephedrine: MedlinePlus Drug Information

This medication is also sometimes used to prevent ear pain and blockage caused by pressure changes during air travel or underwater diving.

Decongestant Is Found Useless for Young Fliers' Earaches

The study took a look at the effectiveness of pseudoephedrine, a popular decongestant. Many adults who suffer earaches when they fly say the ...

Aeroplane Ear: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment -

It is advisable NOT to fly if you have an ear infection, such as otitis media or otitis externa If you do fly, the pain in your ear may be worse ...

Earache - From Air Travel | Advanced Pediatric Associates

Decongestants given by mouth (such as Sudafed) are not advised. They may lessen nose and ear congestion in some children. However, they also can have side ...

How to Manage Ear Pain and Discomfort During Flights | NJ ENT

The most common is a decongestant. There's different decongestants on the market. One is Sudafed. The other is Afrin. Basically you can spray ...

Otic barotrauma from air travel - Propartner

20. On the other hand, in a trial involving children, pseudoephedrine was not found to decrease in-flight ear pain and was associated with drowsiness.4 This may ...