
Rapid evolution of aerosol particles and their optical properties ...

Rapid evolution of aerosol particles and their optical properties ...

The DOE G-1 aircraft was used to follow the time evolution of wildfire smoke from near the point of emission to locations 2–3.5 h downwind.

Rapid evolution of aerosol particles and their optical properties ...

After 2 h of daytime aging, NH+4 increased and is approximately equivalent to the sum of Cl, SO24, and NO3. Particle size increased with downwind distance, ...

Rapid Evolution of Aerosol Particles and their Optical Properties ...

Rapid Evolution of Aerosol Particles and their Optical Properties. Downwind of Wildfires in the Western U.S.. Lawrence I. Kleinman1, Arthur J. Sedlacek III1 ...

Rapid evolution of aerosol particles and their optical properties ...

Rapid evolution of aerosol particles and their optical properties downwind of wildfires in the western US. Lawrence I. Kleinman, Arthur J. Sedlacek, Kouji ...

Rapid evolution of aerosol particles and their optical properties ...

On average there was little change in dilution-normalized aerosol mass concentration as a function of downwind distance. This consistency hides ...

Rapid Evolution of Aerosol Particles and their Optical Properties ...

Particle size increased with downwind distance causing particles to be more efficient scatters. Averaged over nine flights, mass scattering ...

Rapid evolution of aerosol particles and their optical properties ...

Averaged over nine flights, mass scattering efficiency (MSE) increased in ∼ 2 h by 56 % and doubled in one flight. Mechanisms for redistributing mass from small ...

Rapid evolution of aerosol particles and their optical properties ...

Research Organization: Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (US). Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Data Center.

Rapid transition of aerosol optical properties and water-soluble ...

The rapid transition of aerosol optical properties including BC and BrC absorption coefficient, scattering coefficient, single scattering albedo ...

Understanding the Evolution of Smoke Mass Extinction Efficiency ...

Rapid evolution of aerosol particles and their optical properties downwind of wildfires in the Western US. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ...

Biomass Burning Observation Project (BBOP) - ARM Research Facility

2020. "Rapid evolution of aerosol particles and their optical properties downwind of wildfires in the western US." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(21), ...

Wildfires used for time evolution study - ResearchGate

However, the atmospheric evolution of the optical properties of BB aerosol during the long-range transport events is insufficiently understood, limiting the ...

Search - ARM Research Facility

Rapid evolution of aerosol particles and their optical properties downwind of wildfires in the western US. Kleinman L2020Atmospheric Chemistry and ...

Time Evolution of Trace Gasses, Aerosols, and Their Optical ...

Particle size increases with downwind distance causing the particles to be more efficient scatters. Aerosol light scattering increases by up to a factor of two ...

Rapid transformation of ambient absorbing aerosols from West ...

... Rapid evolution of aerosol particles and their optical properties downwind of wildfires in the western US, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 13319–. 875. 13341, https ...

Aerosol Mass and Optical Properties, Smoke Influence on O3, and ...

Although the particles in the 1.0–2.5 μm range contribute perhaps 20% of the total particle mass in BB emissions (Reid et al., 2005), they ...

Smoke Signals: Tracking the Rapid Changes of Wildfire Aerosols

Size influences how the particles interact, their optical properties, and also their ability to attract condensation and form cloud droplets.

A fast integrated mobility spectrometer for rapid measurement of sub ...

The simulation results indicate that the FIMS incorporating the spatially varying electric field is capable of measuring aerosol size distribution from 8 to 600 ...

Optical properties of biomass burning aerosol during the 2021 ...

Yokelson, Rapid evolution of aerosol particles and their optical properties downwind of wildfires in the western US, Atmos. Chem. Phys ...

Rapid transformation of ambient absorbing aerosols from West ...

... Rapid evolution of aerosol particles and their optical properties downwind of wild- fires in the western US, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 13319–13341, https ...