
Real exchange rates for economic development

Real exchange rates for economic development | CEPR

The role of exchange rate policies in economic development is still largely debated. This column argues that there are theoretical ...

Real Exchange Rates: What Money Can Buy

The real exchange rate (RER) between two currencies is the product of the nominal exchange rate (the dollar cost of a euro, for example) and the ratio of ...

The Real Exchange Rate and Economic Growth - Dani Rodrik

ABSTRACT I show that undervaluation of the currency (a high real exchange rate) stimulates economic growth. This is true particularly for devel-.

Real exchange rate policies for economic development

Thus, in the environment with multiple tradable goods with different learning spillovers and in the absence of instruments to implement the first best, a policy ...

The Real Exchange Rate and Economic Growth - Brookings Institution

I show that undervaluation of the currency (a high real exchange rate) stimulates economic growth. This is true particularly for developing countries.

For Economic Development Does the Real Exchange Rate Matter?

The level and volatility of the real exchange rate1 affects the rate of economic growth in developing countries, so yes, the real exchange rate matters for ...


REAL EXCHANGE RATE POLICIES FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Martin Guzman. José Antonio Ocampo. Joseph E. Stiglitz. Working Paper 23868 ...

Real Exchange Rates, Saving and Growth: Is There A Link?

The view that policies directed at the real exchange rate can have an important effect on economic growth has been gaining adherents in recent years.

The real exchange rate and economic development - ScienceDirect

The model implies that changes in the real exchange rate affect the level and composition of employment and that the real exchange rate can, therefore, be used ...

What Are Real Exchange Rates? - FINANCE & DEVELOPMENT

lishing when a currency is properly valued. This failure is striking given that the exchange rate is a central price in economics and that there is a ...

Real Exchange Rate Policies for Economic Development | NBER

We show that a stable and competitive RER policy may correct for this externality and other related market failures. The resulting development ...

The Real Exchange Rate and Economic Growth1

Students of its experience suggest that sustaining economic growth will require it to remove the obstacles to the development of an export-oriented ...

The real exchange rate and economic growth (English)

The real exchange rate was not at the center of the first generation of neoclassical growth models, nor was it prominent among the policy prescriptions that ...

The Real Exchange Rate and Economic Development

Recent empirical studies have found a robust correlation between competitive exchange rates and economic growth in developing economies.

How important is the real exchange rate for exports and growth? in

Economists have long debated whether the real exchange rate (RER) has a significant impact on export performance and output growth.

The validity of Rodrik's conclusion on real exchange rate ... - Nature

In short, this study concludes that the exchange rate takes precedence over other factors as a determinant of economic growth in developing and ...

The real exchange rate and economic growth

However, our results confirm this effect only for developing countries and for pegs. Keywords: Real exchange rate, economic growth, instrumental variables, ...


The real exchange rate was not at the center of the first generation neoclassical growth models, nor was it prominent among the polic.

The Real Exchange Rate and Economic Growth - INCT/PPED

Abstract. I provide evidence that undervaluation of the currency (a high real ex- change rate) stimulates economic growth. This is true particularly for ...

The real exchange rate and economic development - EconStor

Recent empirical studies have found a robust correlation between com- petitive exchange rates and economic growth in developing economies. This paper presents ( ...