
Reducing vehicle speeds is critical to improving traffic safety

Reducing vehicle speeds is critical to improving traffic safety

CMAP's new report details how speed impacts traffic safety and how northeastern Illinois can address the regional traffic safety crisis.

Speed Management is Key to Road Safety | FHWA

Advancing speed management for safety can reduce speeding-related injuries and fatalities on the Nation's highways and byways.

Understanding the Problem - NHTSA

Lower speeds can also help to reduce the societal and individual costs of crashes and injury and the burden on post-crash care. Accordingly, speed management is ...

Help spread the word about traffic safety - Chicago Metropolitan ...

Slowing down is critical to improving traffic safety in our region. The report provides recommendations for street designs, speed limit policies ...

Speed Management and Traffic Calming - Road Safety Toolkit

Tightening kerb radii forces turning vehicles to reduce speed at intersections, reduces pedestrian crossing distance and exposure, and improving visibility of ...

Speeding and Aggressive Driving Prevention - NHTSA

Greater potential for loss of vehicle control; · Reduced effectiveness of occupant protection equipment; · Increased stopping distance after the driver perceives ...

Measures for Managing Speed - Institute of Transportation Engineers

Enforcement is critical to achieving a safe use of roads, compliance with speed limits, and ensuring overall movement at a safe speed. According to NHTSA, more ...

Speed reduction methods to promote road safety and to save lives

The traditional and important road safety benefits of lower vehicle speeds include saving lives and reducing the impact and likelihood of ...

Lower speed limits - Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety

Lowering legally-allowed maximum speed limits using speed limit signage to provide safe mobility for all road users.

Learn about speed management -

Higher speed crashes are more forceful than lower speed crashes, resulting in more damage to the driver, passengers, the vehicle, and people and property ...

Vision Zero Success Depends on Managing Speed for Safety

Managing speeds – at local, state, and federal levels – is essential to preventing people from being killed and severely injured on our roads.

GUIDE FOR SAFE SPEEDS - Global Road Safety Facility

Recurring congestion, during rush hour, for instance, occurs when vehicles are likely already traveling well below the posted speed limit. Lower speed limits ...

Module 2: Traffic Calming Basics | FHWA

The importance of reducing vehicle speeds cannot be overstated in an area where there is potential for conflict between a pedestrian and a motor vehicle. The ...

Why Reducing Speeds Is Key to Improving Traffic Safety - TheCityFix

As a road is widened to accommodate more traffic, average speeds go up—significantly increasing the risk of fatalities and serious injury.

Speed Management - Global Designing Cities Initiative

Vehicle speed is the single most important indicator of the safety of a street. The higher the speed, the higher the crash rate and the injury severity rate ...

Speed management through the Movement and Place approach

Speed is a critical element in the Safe System because it affects the ability to avoid a crash or reduce its physical impact. Without vehicle movement (speed), ...

Research on Speeds, Speed Limits and Safety

Lower vehicle speeds may lead to improved safety perception with more people choosing to walk and bike, which in turn may lead to lower pedestrian and bicyclist ...

the benef its of slowing down traf f ic - Vision Zero for Youth

There are numerous proven countermeasures to reduce speeds and improve pedestrian safety. ... proven speed-reducing or traffic calming effects. Many ...

Speed - IIHS

By the same token, lowering speed limits cuts injury crashes. Speed safety cameras are an important tool. Numerous studies have shown that cameras reduce speeds ...

What Is Traffic Calming? - StreetLight Data

Traffic calming measures like road diets, speed bumps, and even street art help improve road safety by reducing vehicle speeds and inducing less risky driving.