
Regex split to split the string without breaking the word

Regex split to split the string without breaking the word - KNIME Forum

I need to split the string if it exceeds certain length, but it should not break the word inside the string.

REGEX : Splitting String into Fixed Length w/o Breaking Words AND ...

This will break a string into smaller strings no longer than 40 characters long and will not break up the words (plus includes punctuation).

Splitting a string without braking a word - Python discussion

So I'm looking for a way to split a string without breaking a word and came across this which works but not exactly as I need.

Regex.Split Method (System.Text.RegularExpressions)

Split splits the string at a delimiter determined by a regular expression instead of a set of characters. The string is split as many times as possible. If no ...

Regex Extractor - regex splits at different size as expected

Hello, I have found this topic and followed the regex presented there: Regex split to split the string without breaking the word I used in ...

Split Address String without break in words - UiPath Community Forum

You can use Regex to match a pattern of text anywhere in a string. If you want to learn Regex from scratch (like me) - check out my Regex ...

Split String at specific length without breaking words - Oracle Forums

Go to the index where you should break the string, then while you do not have a white space character, decrement the index. 807603 Jan 18 2008 — edited on Jan ...

How to use Split or use Regex if I want to Split a list of text by "."

@Ricky_Fenardo What will be the ideal case when we want to split the string with “.” , if we want to use regex we need to make a fixed pattern ...

Split function - Power Platform - Microsoft Learn

Use the MatchAll function to split a string using a regular expression. The examples show how Split can be used with the First and Last ...

String.Split Method (System) - Microsoft Learn

Splits a string into substrings based on specified delimiting characters. Remarks. Split is used to break a delimited string into substrings. You can use either ...

RegEx: How to Split String into Words - Keyboard Maestro Forum

From KM you can use the JavaScript String.split() function, which takes either a regex or a string literal as an argument. Thanks, Rob. But as ...

Python Regex Split String using re.split() - PYnative

For example, you want to split a string on the specific characters or range of characters, but you don't know whether that character/word is an ...

String.prototype.split() - JavaScript - MDN Web Docs

If separator is a non-empty string, the target string is split by all matches of the separator without including separator in the results. For ...

How to split a string in Java | Sentry

This means that if you want to split a string on a character that has special meaning in regular expressions, you need to escape it. For example ...

Stop using split(“ ”) to split string with space in javascript

It is not about the non-breaking space but if you enter the space using Shift + Space then too, you will find the split method broken. Regex ...

Split a string in Python (delimiter, line break, regex, and more)

These two examples are helpful to remember, even if you are not familiar with regex: Enclose a string with [] to match any single character in ...

Solved: Parsing string by character limit without breaking...

The attached version will put the whole string in third field if it can't be parsed as first name > 40 chars. Split Words.yxmd. 13 KB. Reply · 1 ...

Why does my string.split(".") method not work? - Coderanch

The split() method takes a regular expression (regex) for an argument and a period happens to be a meta-character so you have to escape it with backslashes: "\ ...

Complex split using Regex - JavaScript - The freeCodeCamp Forum

Hi, String.split takes in an input, and uses it as a separator. This means if you do "I am a sentence.".split( ...

separate -- split a string into substrings using a regular expression

Example 5: The optional argument n allows us to specify a separator that differs from the match criteria. In the previous example, words beginning with "x" were ...