
Regulation|Induced Pollution Substitution

Regulation-Induced Pollution Substitution - MIT Press Direct

Particulate regulation of an average plant increases air emissions at unregulated plants owned by the same firm by 11%. At the firm level, such ...

Regulation-Induced Pollution Substitution - IDEAS/RePEc

The Clean Air Act (CAA) gives firms incentives to substitute toward polluting other media, like waterways, and toward pollution from plants in other counties.

Regulation-induced pollution substitution - Williams College

of this hypothesis: 1) Do firms respond to air pollution regulation by polluting other chan- nels, like landfills and waterways? (cross-media ...

Regulation-Induced Pollution Substitution - MIT Press Direct

By regulating air emissions in particular counties, the Clean Air Act (CAA) gives firms incentives to substitute toward polluting other media, ...

Pollution-induced regulation substitution -

These results provide evidence that state regulators substitute resources across federal environmental regulations, which may explain previously observed ...

The Effect of the Clean Air Act on Water and Ground Pollution

Estimating Regulation-Induced Substitution: The Effect of the Clean Air Act on Water and Ground Pollution by Michael Greenstone. Published in volume 93, ...

High priority violations and intra-firm pollution substitution

A reliable analysis of any pollution regulation, thus, warrants a closer examination of potential pollution spillovers. In this paper, we estimate the magnitude ...

Regulation-Induced Pollution Substitution - EconPapers - RePEc

By regulating air emissions in particular counties, the Clean Air Act (CAA) gives firms incentives to substitute toward polluting other media, like waterways, ...

Estimating Regulation-Induced Substitution in China - SpringerLink

Thus, the ratio of water to air emissions increases by up to 15%. As pollution transfers from the air to water, this regulation-induced ...

The Effect of the Clean Air Act on Water and Ground Pollution

Estimating Regulation-Induced Substitution: The Effect of the Clean Air Act on Water and. Ground Pollution. Author(s): Michael Greenstone.

Can adoption of pollution prevention techniques reduce ... - NCBI

Under pressure to comply with regulation, polluters may increase the use of P2 techniques that are easier to implement with existing end-of-pipe ...

The Effect of the Clean Air Act on Water and Ground Pollution

... This pollution substitution phenomenon is first proposed by Greenstone (2003) , and Gibson (2019) examines regulation-induced pollution substitution by ...

Reassessing environmental justice through pollution substitution

However, the asymmetric regulatory pressures induced by the CAA, CWA, and RCRA provide firms with an incentive to transfer their air pollutant emissions across ...

The Impacts of Environmental Regulations on Competitiveness

This is a particularly troubling problem for global pollutants such as carbon dioxide, because it means that on top of the economic impacts on domestic firms, ...

The Unintended Consequences of Environmental Regulation and ...

The National Pollution Prevention Act prioritizes pollution prevention (P2) techniques over end-of-pipe pollution controls that are often prescribed by ...

Replication data for: "Regulation-Induced Pollution Substitution"

2018-08-13, "Replication data for: "Regulation-Induced Pollution Substitution"",, Harvard Dataverse, V1.1.

Why is Pollution from U.S. Manufacturing Declining? The Roles of ...

... regulation with product substitution. Additionally, if firms offshore ... implies that environmental regulation alone would have led pollution emissions to be ...

Full article: Green technology innovation or pollution substitution ...

The energy-consuming rights trading (ECRT) environmental regulatory policy starting from demand side reform has a significant influence on ...

Is Air Pollution Regulation Too Stringent? - Berkeley Haas

air pollution regulation and only 3 on the marginal costs (Appendix A). ... substitution, and others. Most cap-and-trade policies have a centralized ...