
Repeating a year in boarding school?

Repeating a year in boarding school? - College Confidential Forums

Repeating can be for a myriad of reasons - sports, or relatively more maturity, or because JBS goes to grade 9 and that student wants 4 years at ...

Apply to Repeat 10th Grade in Boarding School - Yay or Nay?

We were told this is fairly common with boarding school students for a myriad of reasons. We would love for him to have that extra year to make ...

Is it common for a 9th grader (has good grades at a top public school ...

Repeating a grade is a common practice in private schools, but it's more often used for a student who's coming into the new school with low ...

Why do some kids repeat 9th grade when going to boarding school?

It's super common to repeat. A lot of kids want to have all four years there and want to start as freshman. A lot do it for sports-an extra year of high school ...

The New Way to Get Ahead In School? Stay Back a Year

Repeating a year in middle or high school allows student athletes and, increasingly, aspiring academics to get a leg up on the competition.

Benefits of Repeating 8th Grade | Fay School Blog

If your child wasn't accepted to the secondary school they were hoping to attend, an extra year in a junior boarding school could be the ideal opportunity ...

Do colleges care if you repeat a year of high school? - CollegeVine

Colleges are perfectly indifferent to students either repeating a year or taking a gap year to enter a PG program prior to applying.

Boarding School Admissions - Why repeating a year is a compelling ...

US boarding schools have the advantage of giving you the option to naturally progressing to the next academic grade or repeating the same academic grade.

Is a year abroad in grade 11 or 12 going to set me back academically?

Most of our students had to repeat their school year when they returned home, so nothing really changed in terms of their education.

If at First You Don't Succeed Enough - The New York Times

Paul's School in New Hampshire, 22 percent of the freshman class have transferred in to repeat the year, as have 6 percent of sophomores. At ...

What Does It Mean to "Reclass" a Student? - Sara Harberson

Instead of doing four years of high school at one school, they often will transfer after their freshman, sophomore, or junior year and repeat ...

Repeat Students Uncommon at PA Despite Trend at Other Schools

... prep schools repeats a year as they enter these schools. But, according to Dean of Admission Jane Fried, this has not been the case at ...

Do Ivy Leagues care if you reclassify (repeat a year) in high school?

Retaking a year so that you go to a specific boarding school is really dumb. This attitude towards “hip schools” also matches your original ...

Can You Repeat High School?

For the most part, colleges don't mind if you repeat a grade or have to take a year off in high school, but the answer could depend on the ...

Would repeating a year of high school look bad? - Reddit

So... My state made it to where students can repeat a year. I really want to repeat this year since I really need an extra year of STEM prep ...

Thinking About Repeating 9th Grade as Transfer

let him go through school normally and if things don't go the way you'd like, have him transfer to a prep school after his junior year of HS (or ...

Can a child repeat a year in private school | Mumsnet

Lots of private schools are happy to put children up or down a year, but not necessarily repeat a year, unless through illness. I think your ...

7 Factors Affecting Boarding School Admissions in 2021 - ESM Prep

Many boarding schools over-enrolled their freshman classes last year due to concerns surrounding COVID's impact on attrition. Higher rate of students repeating ...

Why Bridgton Academy

Consequently, we offer a true transition year, not a repeat senior year of high school, unlike many other prep schools. Camaraderie. Because so many of our 180 ...

How to Reclass in High School - A Student-Athlete's Guide to the ...

While some students might reclass to graduate earlier than their classmates, student-athletes most often choose to repeat a year in high school ...