
Reshaping the Future by Seeing the Present

Reshaping the Future by Seeing the Present - Graham Lau - LinkedIn

The future holds the potential for betterment for all of us, and yet the current system does not always reward merit. Despite this, the key ...

Our Future Shapes Our Present - John Hagel

So, our view of the future is shaping the present, in terms of the emotions that we feel today. But it does even more than that. Our emotions ...

How to Stay Focused on Your Future While Remaining in the Present.

It's only in the present moment that you can make the choices today that ultimately create your future. The biggest challenge is to decide to remain here.

Future, Now? How Futuring is Reshaping The Present

Future, Now? How Futuring is Reshaping The Way We Look at The Present ... Full disclosure: Nobody can predict the future, and none of the tools ...

Futures Literacy: shaping your present by reimagining futures

The future does not exist, we can only imagine it. By expanding how we imagine futures, we can see the present differently and learn how to ...

How the end-of-history illusion prevents you from shaping your ...

Benjamin Hardy explains: “It's much easier to default to the present than to imagine a different future. But if you don't take the time to imagine who you want ...

6 Paradigm Shifts Shaping Our Future -

A paradigm shift refers to a significant change in how we view and understand the world. When a fundamental shift in our thinking occurs, it can alter our ...

How The Images in Your Mind is Shaping the Future

When you try to imagine the future, what do you see? Does it look like the past or the present, or is it perhaps very different from the ...

Tackling the present, shaping the future - The Lancet

It does not mean everything has to become applied or clinical in scope; to me, it means balancing a focus on what is in front of us in the here ...

Shaping the Future in the Present: Innovating for a New Era - LinkedIn

In a world where change is constant and rapid, the phrase "The future is now" has become a common expression. Yet, this cliché often misses ...

What It Will Take to Inspire Hope for a Better Tomorrow | Smithsonian

An incredible 77 percent of people reported feeling more hopeful about the future after seeing FUTURES. ... shaping the future. The data ...

Understanding the past is crucial for shaping the future - Nexxworks

Most of us are always so focussed on ourselves, on our professional and personal bubble and on our own views. But, once in a while, it's ...

Shaping Your Future: A Quote by Idowu Koyenikan

“When you do the things in the present that you can see, you are shaping the future that you are yet to see.” Did you set goals at the start ...

Learn To Bring Your Future to The Present - YouTube

future self, not your past self. We must stop comparing the past to the future if we want to see great present results. Ready to take your ...

Looking backward to the future: On past-facing approaches to futuring

We illustrate our argument first by providing a brief overview of the three major ways in which considering the past is already part of futures studies. We then ...

7 Non-Obvious Trends Shaping the Future - Singularity Hub

“Non-obvious thinking is seeing the world in a way other people ... present them. For his own curation process, Bhargava uses what he ...

The Future Of Technology: Shaping Tomorrow's World

What is the future? The future is the period of time that is to come, after the present day. It is often contrasted with the past, ...

Future Gazing and Future Shaping - Ingenuity Business Network

Nobody can predict the future. However, we all have the ability to mentally remove ourselves from the present in order to imagine events and ...

Succeeding generations: shaping the future - the United Nations

see it realized. A. Solidarity with younger generations. 43. The world ... Present Generations Towards Future Generations. However, this ...

Quotes - Shaping Tomorrow

“The purpose of looking at the future is to disturb the present”. Gaston Berger; "Futures has everything to do with the present." John Sweeney; "Education is ...