
Respiratory disorders of Parkinson's disease

Respiratory disorders of Parkinson's disease

The respiratory alterations associated with this syndrome are the main cause of mortality in PD. They can be classified as peripheral when caused by disorders ...

Respiratory Dysfunctions in Parkinson's Disease Patients - PMC

Patients with Parkinson's disease frequently present respiratory disorders with obstructive ventilatory patterns and restrictive modifications.

Breathing & Respiratory Difficulties - Parkinson's Foundation

Respiratory dyskinesia is an occurrence of irregular and rapid breathing, typically occurring when levodopa medications reach their peak effect. This is ...

Respiratory dysfunction in Parkinson's disease: a narrative review

PD is frequently associated with respiratory disturbances, even in pre-motor stages and these should be considered as a part of the disease itself rather than a ...

Respiratory Abnormalities in Parkinson's Disease - MDPI

It appears that upper airway dysfunction such as rigidity and bradykinesia in PD patients may promote obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a disorder characterized by ...

Respiratory Disorders in Parkinson's Disease - PubMed

The evidence showed that PD patients have higher chances to present a pulmonary dysfunction, either obstructive or restrictive, when compared to healthy ...

Respiratory Complications of Parkinson's Disease - Barrow

Pulmonary Complications of Neuromuscular Diseases; Editor in Chief, Joseph P. Lynch, III, M.D.; Guest Editor, Nicholas S. Hill, M.D..

Lung health and Parkinson's

Pneumonia is the main reason people with the condition are admitted to hospital in an emergency, and respiratory complications, such as a chest infection or ...

A systematic review and meta‐analysis of respiratory dysfunction in ...

Respiratory dysfunction in Parkinson's disease (PD) is common and associated with increased hospital admission and mortality rates.

Levodopa-induced respiratory dysfunction confirmed by... - Medicine

Although respiratory symptoms are not a common complication of Parkinson disease, they have been reported with disease progression as a result of upper airway ...

Responsiveness of respiratory function in Parkinson's Disease to an ...

Respiratory disorders are the most common cause of death in Parkinson's Disease (PD). Conflicting data exist on the aetiology of respiratory dysfunction in PD ...

Respiratory Disorders in Parkinson's Disease - Sage Journals

Parkinson's disease (PD) non motor symptoms may present early in the disease course and worsen with advancing disease. Respiratory changes can ...

Chronic Respiratory Diseases and Neurodegenerative Disorders

Respiratory involvement in PD or parkinsonisms can be categorized as upper airways obstruction, restrictive pattern, complications secondary to ...

Respiratory disorders of Parkinson's disease

The respiratory alterations associated with this syndrome are the main cause of mortality in PD. They can be classified as peripheral when caused by disorders ...

Respiratory Dysfunction in Parkinson'S Disease - Sage Journals

Respiratory dysfunction has been associated with Parkinson's disease since it was first described in 1817. The respiratory symptoms observed in Parkinson's ...

Respiratory dysfunction in Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease (Pd) is a common progressive neurodegenerative disorder associated with tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia and postural ...

Respiratory disturbances in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease

The aim of the present study was to clarify whether a mouse model of PD could develop central brainstem and lung respiratory abnormalities.

Respiratory dysfunction in Parkinson's disease -

A syndrome of L-dopa-induced respiratory dysfunction has been described, which may be a heterogeneic disorder of choreiform movements of the respiratory muscles ...

5 Potential Respiratory Complications With Parkinson's Disease

But perhaps one of the scariest symptoms is when it starts to affect breathing. People with Parkinson's may face various respiratory problems.

(PDF) Respiratory disorders of Parkinson's Disease - ResearchGate

Mechanisms for the increased respiratory rate in PD include the presence of neurodegeneration in brainstem central respiratory centres causing ...