
Restoring the planet

Restoring the planet, one mission at a time · Planet Wild

Planet Wild is a global community of people that deeply care about the planet. We are on a mission to bring back endangered species, clean up our oceans and ...

Restore The Earth |

A collaborative private/public partnership to address managing and protecting the watershed, restoring degraded lands to native forests.

10 years to restore our planet. 10 actions that count. - UNEP

Scientists say that these next 10 years will count most in the fight to avert climate change and the loss of millions of species.

Restoring the Earth - UGA

Growing interest and attention to regenerative agriculture practices are driving new research aimed toward making the land better than we found it.

UN Decade on Restoration

The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration aims to prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems on every continent and in every ocean.

Restore Our Planet

Restore UK was established in 2001 as a grant-making charity to invest in the protection and restoration of Britain's natural habitat. This vision has since ...

Restoring planet Earth's ecosystems - UKRI

Diverse planting schemes encourage plants to form long, deep and fine roots. This increases contact with the soil, helping to protect plants ...

Restoring Our Earth for a Sustainable Future: Earth Month 2023

One of the most important things we can do is reduce our carbon footprint. This can be done in many ways, such as using public transportation, biking or walking ...

Land Restoration: 5 Key Elements of Reviving Our Earth

Land restoration is crucial for achieving SDGs. Its importance is explained in 5 key points.

10 Ways to Help Restore the Environment | Defenders of Wildlife

We can grow trees, green our cities, rewild our gardens, change our diets and clean up rivers and coasts. We are the generation that can make peace with nature.

Toolkit | Earth Day 2021: Restore Our Earth

On this page, you will find key messaging and resources on Restore Our Earth. The toolkit includes all necessary materials to post on social media, write your ...

A beginner's guide to ecosystem restoration - UNEP

Restoration means halting pollution, reducing and treating waste, managing demand for water and fish, and reviving vegetation above and below the surface.

Restoring Ecological Belonging: A Call to Heal Our Planet - Earth.Org

Scientists call this a stark “warning to humanity” about the accelerating environmental crisis, a reality that serves as a reminder of our utter dependence on ...

Ecosystem Restoration Playbook. A practical guide to healing the ...

People and the planet are only as healthy as the ecosystems we all depend on. Bringing degraded ecosystems back to life – for example by planting trees, ...

10 years to boost ecosystem restoration for people and planet

The next 10 years are both the UN Decade of Action for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration.

Why restoring nature is the key to securing our future and the planet's

Protecting and restoring nature is a fundamental tool to tackle the twin crises of biodiversity loss and climate change, and in strengthening our planet's ...

Restoring our Earth | Arcadis

Earth Day 2021 is focused on the natural processes, emerging green technologies, and innovative thinking that can restore the world's ecosystems.

We Must Restore Nature This Decade—Here's How | TNC

Restoring our planet's imperiled ecosystems intrinsically connects us all with a chance at a healthier future. The work of the UNEP and partners ...

A decade on ecosystem restoration: Protecting planet Earth for ...

Ecosystem restoration doesn't just mean more pretty landscapes and improved recreation. It means cleaner water and fresher air. It means improved native species ...

Sixteen women restoring the Earth

16 leaders working to protect and restore the global natural capital through science, finance, policymaking, journalism, and land rights.

Logos Run

Book by William C. Dietz

The Tale of the Dark Crystal

Book by Donna Bass