
Revisiting the social cost of carbon

Revisiting the social cost of carbon - PNAS

The study estimates that the SCC is $31 per ton of CO 2 in 2010 US$ for the current period (2015). For the central case, the real SCC grows at 3% per year over ...

Revisiting the social cost of carbon - PubMed

The social cost of carbon (SCC) is a central concept for understanding and implementing climate change policies. This term represents the ...

The social cost of carbon revisited -

This paper provides an alternative approach to estimating the SCC that relies on a survey of experts, in which they are asked their opinions regarding certain ...

[PDF] Revisiting the social cost of carbon - Semantic Scholar

Significance The most important single economic concept in the economics of climate change is the social cost of carbon (SCC). At present, regulations with ...

The social cost of carbon revisited - MIT

An estimate of the social cost of carbon (SCC) is crucial to climate policy. But how should we estimate the SCC? A common approach uses an integrated ...

Social cost of carbon: A revisit from a systems analysis perspective

The social cost of carbon (SCC) is estimated by integrated assessment models (IAMs) and is widely used by government agencies to value ...

The Social Cost of Carbon Revisited


Revisiting the social cost of carbon | Request PDF - ResearchGate

Request PDF | Revisiting the social cost of carbon | Significance The most important single economic concept in the economics of climate ...

Revisiting the social cost of carbon (Journal Article) - OSTI.GOV

Title: Revisiting the social cost of carbon ... Nordhaus, William D. ... Here, the social cost of carbon (SCC) is a central concept for ...

Revisiting the social cost of carbon after INDC implementation in ...

The study result shows that the social cost of carbon will increase with a fluctuating trend under scenario 1 while a slower increase is found ...

Revisiting the social cost of carbon - William D. Nordhaus

Revisiting the social cost of carbon. Nordhaus, William D. 2017. “Revisiting the Social Cost of Carbon”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (7): ...

The Social Cost of Carbon Revisited | NBER

I present a more transparent approach to estimating an average SCC, which I argue is a more useful guide for policy than the marginal SCC derived from IAMs.

Social Cost of Carbon 101 - Resources for the Future

The social cost of carbon (SCC) is an estimate, in dollars, of the economic damages that would result from emitting one additional ton of carbon dioxide into ...

Comprehensive evidence implies a higher social cost of CO 2 - Nature

The social cost of carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) measures the monetized value of the damages to society caused by an incremental metric tonne of ...

Estimates of the Social Cost of Carbon: Concepts and Results from ...

The social cost of carbon (SCC) is an important concept for understanding and implementing climate change policies. This term represents the economic cost ...

Nordhaus, W.D. (2017) Revisiting the Social Cost of Carbon. PNAS ...

Nordhaus, W.D. (2017) Revisiting the Social Cost of Carbon. PNAS, 114, 1518-1523.

Results from the DICE-2023 model - Yale Department of Economics

DICE model | economics of climate change | social cost of carbon | integrated assessment ... Nordhaus, Revisiting the social cost of carbon. Proc.

Social Cost of Carbon: Valuing Inequality, Risk, and Population for ...

The Social Cost of Carbon (SCC) is likely the most important economic concept in the design and implementation of climate change mitigation policies.

The Social Cost of Carbon: Reaching a New Estimate

RFF scholars lay out their new (higher) calculation of the social cost of carbon—an estimate of the economic damages that result from an ...

Revisiting the social cost of carbon - Scite

Supporting: 9, Contrasting: 1, Mentioning: 678 - The social cost of carbon (SCC) is a central concept for understanding and implementing climate change ...