
Role of Epigenetics in Stem Cell Proliferation and Differentiation

Role of Epigenetics in Stem Cell Proliferation and Differentiation

The main objectives of this review are to survey the current literature on the role of epigenetics in determining the fate of stem cells.

Role of Epigenetics in Stem Cell Proliferation and Differentiation

The main objectives of this review are to survey the current literature on the role of epigenetics in determining the fate of stem cells and ...

Epigenetic Regulation of Stem Cell Differentiation | Pediatric Research

The epigenetic basis of stem cell differentiation arises from the need to maintain gene expression patterns in both stem/progenitor cells and ...

Mesenchymal stem cells under epigenetic control – the role ... - Nature

Epigenetic modifications are critical regulators of gene expression and cellular differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Epigenetic ...

Epigenetics in stem-cell differentiation - Wikipedia

Embryonic stem cells are capable of self-renewing and differentiating to the desired fate depending on their position in the body. Stem cell homeostasis is ...

[PDF] Role of Epigenetics in Stem Cell Proliferation and Differentiation

Different genetic factors and their epigenetic changes during reprogramming of stem cells into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have significant ...

Epigenetic Modifications of Stem Cells | Circulation Research

Emerging evidence indicates that epigenetic modifications play an important role in the control of adult stem cell self-renewal and ...

Epigenetic regulation of adult stem cell function - Rinaldi - FEBS Press

Epigenetic mechanisms ensure that lineages are acquired during development. It is therefore hypothesized that they also maintain cell fates ...

Role of Epigenetics in Stem Cell Proliferation and Differentiation

Some of these epigenetic mechanisms include DNA methylation and histone modifications, which have a direct impact on the way that genes are expressed in stem ...

The Genetic and Epigenetic Journey of Embryonic Stem ... - Frontiers

Epigenetics play key roles in development, stem cell differentiation, and have high impact in human disease.

Epigenetic regulation mechanisms in stem cell differentiation

The gene expression regulation during stem cell differentiation into lineage specific cells requires action of histone modifying enzymes. For ...

Epigenetic Control of Cell Division and Cell Differentiation ... - Frontiers

Throughout plant life cycle, many processes, including genome imprinting, stress responses, and cellular differentiation, are known to be determined by ...

Genetic and epigenetic stability of stem cells -

Thus epigenetics plays an important role in stem cell biology. For ... cell cycle arrest, differentiation and apoptosis of cancer cells. These ...

Epigenetic Regulation of Stem Cell Fate - Wiley Online Library

Epigenetic regulation plays a key role in cell fate determination, including totipotent, pluripotent, multipotent, or differentiated cells.

Epigenetic regulation of stem cell fate - Oxford Academic

In order to maintain the stable self-renewal of ESCs, the mechanisms that prevent their differentiation and promote their proliferation must be transmitted to ...

Stem Cell Epigenetics - Creative Diagnostics

Its homeostasis and differentiation are partly maintained by epigenetic mechanisms that are highly dynamic in regulating the chromatin structure and specific ...

Epigenetic reprogramming of cell identity: lessons from development ...

Cellular reprogramming can convert somatic cells to induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) that can be directed to differentiate to specific cell types.

Dissecting the impact of differentiation stage, replicative history, and ...

Mechanistically, we provide evidence that the observed variation in epigenetic age among adult stem cells correlates with their proliferative state, and, ...

Proteins in DNA methylation and their role in neural stem cell ...

Epigenetic modifications, namely non-coding RNAs, DNA methylation, and histone modifications such as methylation, phosphorylation, ...

Role of epigenetics in liver-specific gene transcription, hepatocyte ...

Controlling both growth and differentiation of stem cells and their differentiated somatic progeny is a challenge in numerous fields, from preclinical drug ...