


Page 1. Theory and Applications of Categories, Vol. 37, No. 10, 2021, pp. 276–286. SIMPLICIAL SETS INSIDE CUBICAL SETS. THOMAS STREICHER AND ...

[1911.09594] Simplicial sets inside cubical sets - arXiv

Abstract:As observed recently by various people the topos \mathbf{sSet} of simplicial sets appears as essential subtopos of a topos ...

(PDF) Simplicial sets inside cubical sets - ResearchGate

As observed recently by various people the topos sSet of simplicial sets appears as essential subtopos of a topos cSet of cubical sets, ...

(PDF) Simplicial sets inside cubical sets - ResearchGate

As observed by various people recently the topos $\mathbf{sSet}$ of simplicial sets appears as essential subtopos of a topos $\mathbf{cSet}$ ...

[PDF] Simplicial sets inside cubical sets - Semantic Scholar

As observed by various people recently the topos $\mathbf{sSet}$ of simplicial sets appears as essential subtopos of a topos $\mathbf{cSet}$ ...

Simplicial Sets within Cubical Sets - TU Darmstadt

September 2018. Streicher. Simplicial Sets within Cubical Sets. Page 2. Computational Meaning of HoTT? (1). HoTT is Intensional Type Theory ...

simplicial sets inside cubical sets - EBSCOhost

problem, but instead give a reformulation in terms of the adjoint functors at hand. 1. Introduction. As observed in [HS94] intensional Martin ...

[1911.09594] Simplicial sets inside cubical sets - ar5iv

... in terms of the adjoint functors at hand. keywords: cubical sets, simplicial sets, universes, univalence axiom. 1 Introduction. As observed in [HS94] ...

Simplicial set are to cubical sets what simplicial complexes are to

For each σ∈C, there exists a bijection from σ to some n-cube {0,1}n satisfying the property that any subset of σ is in C iff it is mapped to a ...

Understand the internal hom simplicial set - Math Stack Exchange

The simplices of positive dimension in any simplicial set X serve a role analogous to that of a topology on X0: they describe how the points ...

Why cubical sets are different to simplicial sets

It is natural to ask why different definitions of Kan fibration were used in each case: 1. Why couldn't CCHM use the horn-inclusion definition ...

A Quick Tour of Basic Concepts in Simplicial Homotopy Theory

Now we put together the previous two ideas: a "simplicial set" is a presheaf on the category of simplices! In other words, it's a contravariant ...

A co-reflection of cubical sets into simplicial sets with applications to ...

In particular, our theorem gives a model of the homotopy theory of. (∞,1)-categories in cubical sets. ... Item 1 is clear by the definition of Qn. Item 2 ...

Simplicial Set - Martin Baker - EuclideanSpace

Simplicial sets have some nicer mathematical properties. If we think of delta complexes as being defined in terms of a set (or setop), with certain maps, then ...

An elementary illustrated introduction to simplicial sets

In the example of Figure 1, we might have the degenerate 5-simplex. [v2,v2,v2,v3,v3]. Notice also that our innocent little n-dimensional simplicial complexes ...

A co-reflection of cubical sets into simplicial sets with applications to ...

... cubical sets. In particular, our theorem gives a model of the homotopy theory of. (∞,1)-categories in cubical sets. To our knowledge, this ...

Cubical Sets -

Let's consider, for simplicity, the unit interval cubical set, □ 1 \square^1 □1. We know it's a functor from ...

Andrew Swan, Why cubical sets are different to simplicial sets

Homotopy Type Theory Electronic Seminar Talks, 2022-01-20 In the classical ...

Homotopy groups of cubical sets -

The homotopy theory of simplicial sets is now well developed, with a detailed account given for example in [13]. In this paper, we take a first step towards ...

constructive model structure on simplicial sets in nLab

The original proofs of the existence of the classical model structure on simplicial sets are based in classical mathematics as they use the ...