Searching with Subject Terms
Searching with Subject Terms: Home - LibGuides
How to Find Subject Terms. Subject headings differ across every database, therefore you first must look up the exact subject term for the ...
Most academic libraries use Library of Congress. Subject Headings (LCSH) for Subject Search of their online catalogs. A subject search is more specific than a ...
Keyword vs. Subject Searching - EXS290 Evidence Based Practice ...
These controlled vocabulary indexes can also be referred to as Subjects, Subject Headings, Subject Terms, Descriptors, Thesaurus, or Index terms ...
Keyword vs Subject Searching - Introduction to Library ... - LibGuides
A subject search is more specific than a keyword search: it looks in only one field of each record - the subject field. Many databases use ...
LibGuides: Database Search Tips: Keywords vs. subjects
What are subject headings and keywords? Subject headings describe the content of each item in a database. Use these headings to find relevant ...
Research Tips: Subject Searching - Library Guides
A subject heading is an assigned word (or phrase) used in a database to describe a concept. Search using this standardized word instead of keywords.
Keywords vs. Subjects - Database Search Tips - LibGuides
Keyword searching is how you typically search web search engines and it is a good start to find relevant subject headings in databases.
Q. What's the difference between a keyword and a subject?
KEYWORD searches author, title, subject, and other descriptors of the article (or book, video, etc.). Sometimes (not always) keyword searches ...
Subject Terms and Index Searches - Academic Guides
This guide is to walk you through locating and using database subject terms to improve the relevance of your database searches.
Guide to Searching: Keyword vs. Subject Searching
Keyword searches will look for your search terms anywhere in the record -- eg, in the title, abstract, subject heading, or other notes.
Subject Terms - Research 101 - LibGuides at South Dakota State ...
If you are not finding relevant resources using keyword searches, try using subject terms, also know as descriptors.
College Libraries: Starting your research: Subjects vs. Keywords
Keyword searches may be less precise or relevant than searches using subject terms and often return a larger, but less useful, set of results.
What's the difference between keyword and subject searching?
A subject search involves searching only the subject field of a database or catalog record (unlike a keyword search which searches all the items ...
Searching with Subject Terms - Advanced Search Techniques
This list (known as the Library of Congress Subject Headings) provides the controlled vocabulary that every librarian uses when they describe ...
Research Skills for Developing Writers: Keywords vs. Subject Terms
Subject terms are pre-determined search words that are controlled by the database you are using. The word order is often a little different than ...
Searching Tips: Keyword vs. Subject - MATC Library
You can use the following search strategies to make a keyword search more accurate: boolean operators and phrase searching.
Searching with subject headings and keywords - McGill Library Guides
These tutorials will help you explore subject headings, subheadings, keywords, and search strategy refinement in more detail.
Q. How do I use the Subject Terms option on the Advanced Search ...
Subject terms are tags that the database uses to identify what the article is about. The database uses a specific word to group articles about a particular ...
Keyword vs. Subject Search - Secondary OSLIS
Watch the Advanced Searching: Limiters & Subject Searching video tutorial, explore the table to learn about keyword vs. subject searches, and then review the ...
Advanced Library Search Strategies: Keywords and Subject Headings
Learn how to search for articles, books, and other scholarly works through citation chasing and optimal keyword searching.