
Serverless option to run powershell in AWS?

Serverless option to run powershell in AWS? - Reddit

Title says it all. I want to run serverless scripts in AWS but I don't know python (yet) and I don't see where powershell is an option.

Run a series of PowerShell Tasks on AWS Serverless for more than ...

You could look into AWS Batch which is meant for long running jobs. You can use store your powershell scripts in a Docker container and ...

PowerShell on Lambda | Serverless Office Hours - YouTube

It's now even easier to run Lambda functions written in PowerShell with the new PowerShell custom runtime for Lambda.

Getting Started with AWS Lambda PowerShell Runtime - Medium

AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service that allows you to run code without provisioning or managing servers.

How to Write Serverless PowerShell Code for AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda Development Environment Requirements · Setting your AWS Credentials in PowerShell · Example Lambda PowerShell Function Code · Publishing ...

Setting Up Serverless Framework With AWS

Please note, you can get up and running with the Serverless Framework CLI and Dashboard for free, and the CLI will always be free for small orgs and ...

awslabs/aws-lambda-powershell-runtime - GitHub

This new PowerShell custom runtime for AWS Lambda makes it even easier to run Lambda functions written in PowerShell to process events.

Unleash your PowerShell with AWS Lambda and Serverless ...

In this session we will introduce the PowerShell language support in AWS Lambda before diving into AWS serverless computing.

Build and Orchestrate Serverless Applications on AWS with ...

AWS Lambda, a service that let's you run code without provisioning or managing servers, recently launched support for PowerShell Core. Now you can manage your ...

Running PowerShell On AWS Lambda -

First we need to configure credentials the AWS Lambda PowerShell module can use to authenticate to AWS. This includes setting up an IAM user ...

Deep Dive: PowerShell on AWS Lambda - YouTube

In this episode of the vBrownBag, Damian does a deep dive on getting started with PowerShell on AWS Lambda. He covers setting up a ...

New Training: Build Serverless Functions with PowerShell and AWS ...

Why Use PowerShell with Lambda? · Setting Up Your Development Environment · Building a Simple AWS Lambda Function with PowerShell · Integrating ...

Follow this step-by-step guide to use AWS Lambda with PowerShell

This serverless, event-driven compute service manages back-end resources with zero administration, so developers can focus on their applications ...

Running PowerShell on AWS Lambda using Custom Runtime

In this video we show you how to run PowerShell on Lambda using Lambda's custom runtime capability. We can deploy and run native PowerShell ...

Running ActiveDirectory Module for Powershell in Lambda

Yes, it is possible to run PowerShell scripts inside of Lambdas functions. The document [1] explain how common programming patterns and core ...

Very simple powershell script not working in AWS Lambda?

I thought the whole point of AWS Lambda was to run serverless code? Why do I now need to worry about verifying certain dependencies are in ...

Introducing the PowerShell custom runtime for AWS Lambda - Noise

Using this runtime, you can run native PowerShell code in Lambda without having to compile code, which simplifies deployment and testing. You ...

Using AWS Tools for Powershell in a Powershell lambda

You could leverage the AWS Lambda Developer Guide - there is an example of setting up a basic infrastructure for a PowerShell Lambda (the ...

Script to Modify AWS Workspace Using Powershell

A better option would be to use the #requires statement. This would prevent the script from running if the necessary modules were not installed.

Build Serverless Functions with PowerShell and AWS Lambda

Join Trevor Sullivan as he teaches you how to build serverless functions by using the cross-platform PowerShell automation language on top of AWS Lambda.