
Shifting plant species composition in response to climate change ...

Shifting plant species composition in response to climate change ...

Our study demonstrates that shifting plant species composition in response to climate change may have stabilized primary production in this high-elevation ...

Shifting plant species composition in response to climate change ...

Shifting plant species composition in response to climate change stabilizes grassland primary production · Authors · Affiliations.

Shifting plant species composition in response to climate change ...

The structure and function of alpine grassland ecosystems, including their extensive soil carbon stocks, are largely shaped by temperature.

Shifting plant species composition in response to climate change ...

Overall, our study demonstrates that shifting plant species composition in response to climate change may have stabilized primary production in this high- ...

Shifting plant species composition in response to climate change ...

Here, experimental evidence and meta-analysis confirm long-term observations that demonstrate climate warming and associated drying did not ...

Climate change reshuffles northern species within their niches

While species turnover among decades was limited, the relative position of species within their climatic niche shifted substantially. A greater ...

Shifting plant species composition in response to climate change ...

Overall, this study demonstrates that shifting plant species composition in response to climate change may have stabilized primary production in this ...

Shifting plant species composition - H1 Connect

Shifting plant species composition in response to climate change stabilizes grassland primary production. Liu H et al. Proceedings of the National Academy ...

Changing plant species composition and richness benefit soil ...

Anthropogenic warming and land-use change are expected to accelerate global soil organic carbon (SOC) losses and change plant species ...

Guide changes in species composition | USDA Climate Hubs

Species composition in many forest ecosystems is expected to change as species adapt to a new climate and transition into new communities. This strategy seeks ...

Potential Distribution Shifts of Plant Species under Climate Change ...

Shifts in alpine tundra plant species have important consequences for biodiversity and ecosystem services. However, recent research on ...

Whole-soil warming shifts species composition without affecting ...

Ecologically, climate warming has potential to directly alter plant community diversity, composition and biomass production through shifting species proportion ...

Climate warming has compounded plant responses to habitat ...

Here, we investigate the tandem and interacting roles of climate warming and land-use change as predictors of shifts in the regional ...


Taken together, these data suggest that climate change will have a larger effect on decomposition by causing shifts in plant communities than it will by ...

Changing plant species composition and richness benefit soil ...

Compelling evidence indicates that a large amount of SOC in terrestrial ecosystems has been lost under climate warming and land-use change in ...

Climate change alters the spatial pattern of plant spectral diversity ...

Our analysis revealed that species diversity, plant–plant interactions, and spatial distance are closely associated with each other and sharply shifted under ...

Forecasting Regional to Global Plant Migration in Response to ...

Abstract. The rate of future climate change is likely to exceed the migration rates of most plant species. The replacement of dominant ...

Climate Warming Decreases Plant Diversity but Increases ...

Under warming, the north-facing site could experience greater vegetation change, characterized by reduced species diversity, species richness, proportion of ...

Climate change effects on plant-soil feedbacks and consequences ...

Thus, direct effects of climate on temperature and rainfall, along with species range shifts, are likely to affect PSFs. PSFs during range ...

Multi‐year drought alters plant species composition more than ...

Compositional changes were not associated with any declines in species richness or evenness. Divergent responses among years were not driven by ...