
Should I hug my japanese friend? I need a piece of advice!

Should I hug my japanese friend? I need a piece of advice!

Japanese people, like, never touch each other ever, and it's generally a poor idea to touch them. They're honestly kindof weird about it.

Should I hug my Japanese friend? (Please read explanation) - Reddit

But for real--do not hug her unless you are ready to commit to a long term relationship. Hugging is sex in most of Japan.

Can I hug Japanese people, or will it be considered a violation of ...

I almost always wait for my Japanese friends to initiate hugging the first time before I go hugging them, and I do not usually hug friends who ...

I have a friend living in Japan who is very touch-starved. She tells ...

My advice would be to have more foreign friends from similar cultures. I was in Japan until recently and got to hug a bunch of friends ...

We Were Told People Don't Hug in Japan - YWAM Mazatlan

We were told that people don't hug in Japan; in a beautiful culture built on honor, people won't make physical contact - as a measure of respect.

Discretion needed for women couple? - forum

For a short visit, you can choose to behave as you wish and just trample over the sensibilities of the Japanese. But if you're bothering to ask ...

Advice needed. - forum

When I would go to work and when I came home from work she would give me a hug. ... In my opinion it would make more sense to have been friends in ...

Culture clash: 10 insider tips for visiting Japan

But for the times you do need someone's help, be sure to thank them ... My Japanese friends respond to my hugs with equal hugs. 2 ( +3 ...

FYI. Japanese don't hug. - Threads

I'm really curious now ,do you hug your male friends? One's that you've known for a long time...or is the no hug rule applied to opposite sex ...

What You Should Know Before Dating a Japanese Girl - BFF Tokyo

Kotoe: It's so difficult because it depends on the person. I know girls who want to have fun and have friends with benefits, but I also know girls who want be ...

In general, is it normal for American people to hug their opposite-sex ...

depends on how close they are as friends they would need to be really good friends|@chiaki08232 yes it I completely normal I do it all the ...

How to deal with falling in love for your best (and straight) friend?

Sometimes we can learn to be happy just having them in our lives, and sometimes we have no choice but to distance ourselves from the person to ...

How can you tell if a Japanese girl's interested? | Japan Reference

Any advice, tips, or anecdotes would be welcome. Thanks for the feedback! EDIT: Can I also assume she doesn't have a boyfriend if she hasn't ...

30 Things (Not) To Do In Japan - Easily Avoid These Embarrassing ...

Many people know that many Asian countries have a no-shoe policy inside the home, but you might not know that a lot of workplaces, restaurants, ...

Advice for Tsukuba Residents - Facebook

‍♂ But, if you can, give your little one an extra hug and tell them “I love you” a bit more often. Trust me, you'll experience some amazing moments right after ...

Ultimate Guide to Dating in Japan

Thinking about dating in Japan while you're over here? Read on for the must-know tips to make the most of your romantic encounters!

Workplace Hugging: The Do's and (Mostly) Don'ts - LinkedIn

When you are in a situation where you may think someone will try to hug you, stick out your hand to initiate the standard handshake instead. Or, ...

Dating A Japanese Man - An Insider Guide - Zooming Japan

... have to do everything the Japanese way, but understanding the Japanese ... If I can give you one piece of advice, try making friends first.

Do you need a hug?/ハグしましょうか? Really???

You know the Japanese don't have 'hug culture' , so I've never been offered a hug by anyone ever and also I've never given a hug to express my ...

Dating in Japan: A Comprehensive Guide

Relationships work differently in the West: each relationship is allowed to have ... Relationships in Japan: The Do's and Dont's of Japanese ...