
Should I include the names of my Master's and PhD supervisors in ...

Should I include the names of my Master's and PhD supervisors in ...

The advantage of including your supervisor's name on your CV is so that a person reading it can get an idea of the kind of work you're doing.

Should I call my grad school supervisor by their first name? - Reddit

It is normal for PhD students to call faculty by their first names when there is more of a colleague type of relationship or preparation/ ...

As a student pursuing my PhD degree, is it mandatory for ... - Quora

You may discover that the co-supervisor really expects their name on the paper—-in which case you should almost certainly add it, or at least ...

Should I omit my Master's Thesis supervisor name from my refree list ...

Should I omit my Master's Thesis supervisor name from my refree list in PhD Application? This is actually not a problem, or at least it is a good problem to ...

Include PhD supervisor as co-author? Yes or No? - Tress Academic

Supervisors should be included as co-authors! We do not suggest that your supervisors have to be excluded in all circumstances from your paper.

Is my supervisor up to something? on

I can't guess your supervisors intentions however, if you write the paper and the majority of work is yours, YOUR name should be first. If you ...

Why is a potential Ph.D supervisor not answering to an email?

So far, my research experience includes an independent research project as well as a research thesis, which I am currently conducting, in a ...

PhD Postgraduate Forum - Supervisor/Student Etiquette - Addressing

How do other people refer to your supervisor? I've always called mine by their first names, as does everybody else they work with. In a formal ...

Ten simple rules for choosing a PhD supervisor - PMC - NCBI

Several of them will depend on your chosen discipline and research topic, the institution you want to attend, and even the country where you ...

Is a PI a supervisor and a supervisor a PI? Confused

Hi tt_dan, ask your supervisor. Normally professors don't put their names on papers unless they are really good.

How to choose your PhD supervisor | 5 secrets they won't tell you

How to choose your PhD supervisor comes down to these five secrets that you need to know. A PhD supervisor will dictate the success of your ...

The First Steps: Choosing a Topic and a Thesis Supervisor

Any graduate faculty member of the School of Hospitality Management may serve as a thesis supervisor. A list of the current graduate faculty members is provided ...

How do I survive … my PhD supervisors? - SGSAH Blog

Maybe a PhD in Archaeology at the University of Glasgow requires a wildly different supervisor-supervisee relationship than yours. Maybe you're ...

How to Find Your Ideal PhD Supervisor Using Google Scholar

Ideally you'll want to find faculty who are Full/Tenured professors, since Associate and Assistant Professors typically do not supervise ...

Once you've been allocated a supervisor should you talk about your ...

The answer to this question is generally YES! It's a really great idea to talk to lots of people other than your supervisor about your research, but some ...

Listing supervision on a CV? - The Philosophers' Cocoon - TypePad

List it under teaching, unless you are a leader of a team or lab with post-docs as well, then have a separate heading for Supervision. Whatever ...

Advice on Contacting Faculty for Prospective Research Students

Closing — make sure to include your name and email address. ... Even if this helps you get admitted, it will put you in an uncomfortable situation in your phd ...

Choosing a graduate program supervisor - University Affairs

Even beyond the completion of your PhD, your supervisor will likely play a role in your life as a mentor or a reference, whether it be for a job ...

co–writing with your supervisor – the authorship question | patter

This is far from the first time I've heard of this. And in fact, I do know of some disciplines where it is automatically assumed that a ...

The Art of Finding a PhD supervisor | by Martin Tomitsch - Medium

Yes, architecture also involves design and I admit that this can be confusing. But it is not that difficult to click on my name and find out ...