
Should I prefer unsigned int or size_t instead of int for loops in C ?

Should I prefer unsigned int or size_t instead of int for loops in C++?

So to answer your question narrowly, you should use size_t when you are talking about the size of something, and you should use int for integer ...

unsigned int vs. size_t - c++ - Stack Overflow

Each Standard C implementation is supposed to choose the unsigned integer that's big enough--but no bigger than needed--to represent the size of ...

When to use size_t vs unsigned integer in C++? - Reddit

size_t is a size, int is a number. Of course you can use both, and even if most of the time you can use both, you should think about what you are actually ...

Should I use Signed or Unsigned Ints In C? (Part 1) - Blog

Under the hood size_t is typedef'ed to be an unsigned integer type. Some people prefer to use size_t everywhere instead of unsigned int ...

C++ size_t for everything? - General and Gameplay Programming

The value range is large enough in most cases and it is twice as fast as 64bit integers (or size_t in a 64bit environment) if your compiler is ...

Unsigned int or size_t? - C++ Forum - CPlusPlus

What should we use when there is a nested loop (when I need to control more in the loop with const int a ) like. 1 2 3, for (size_t i=0; i< ...

API for data structure with indices, size_t vs int?

Semantically size_t is appropriate for indices of C arrays, which is the primary argument for it in this case. However if the C array is hidden ...

signed vs unsigned int for indexes and sizes - CUDA Programming ...

'int' is preferred for indexing arrays as this allows for various compiler optimizations since signed integer overflow is undefined, while ...

What is size_t and why should I use it? | by CMP - Medium

In C/C++, size_t is an unsigned integer type that is commonly used to store the size or length of an object or container.

C++ using size_t vs using an unsigned integer example

size_t is commonly used for array indexing and loop counting. According to cppreference: Programs that use other types, such as unsigned int ...

size_t Is Not int - Noncombatant

First, size_t must be an unsigned integral value with the width of a machine word, so that it can be possible for a C program to index any ...

Rationale behind int and not std::size_t · Issue #3351 - GitHub

I remember if not careful using size_t will cause an infinite loop when looping backward. int also takes less space as well. Also if you read ...

size_t vs plain int - C Board

No, size_t is not necessarily an unsigned int. It is an implementation defined unsigned type, which means it could be an unsigned char or maybe ...

Pitfalls in C and C++: Unsigned types | Sound Software

Avoid using unsigned ints in C and C++ unless you're dealing with raw memory contents or performing bit manipulations like shifting or masking. Turn on compiler ...

Using signed or unsigned int by default in C (2015) - Hacker News

- When iterating an array, you're supposed to use "size_t", because it's the only type that's guaranteed to contain the maximum size of an array ...

Why size_t is used instead of unsigned int - JUCE Forum

size_t is defined to be able to hold the maximum address that a pointer can have on the target platform. So it makes sense to use it whenever you have.

My battle against signed/unsigned comparison - Sandor Dargo's Blog

This is not very dangerous because on most platforms an int is 4 bytes and a size_t is an unsigned long long that is 8 bytes. As such, in the ...

Countdown using unsigned in C - Raspberry Pi Forums

Problem is using int limits the size of arrays one handle. Using size_t or ssize_t is the way it's done now a days. I prefer size_t as that is ...

data type `size_t` causes more problems than it solves so stop using it

There are people who believe that C/C++ unsigned int types should be used more not less. I've read their arguments and am not persuaded to do so ...

a praise of size_t and other unsigned types - Jens Gustedt's Blog

Paul: even if you prefer signed to unsigned, you shouldn't use an “int”. The last note still applies: “Because it has the width that you'd ...