
Solidarity as Foundation for Economic

Solidarity as Foundation for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

We argue in this article that the principle of solidarity within society underpins ESCR as a whole and is essential for achieving sustainable progress on ESCR.

Solidarity as Foundation for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Abstract. The potential of the principle of solidarity as an interpretative guide for the realisation of ESCR has, to date, been largely overlooked. Solidarity ...

Solidarity as Foundation for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Abstract. The potential of the principle of solidarity as an interpretative guide for the realisation of ESCR has, to date, been largely ...

The Solidarity Economy

The solidarity economy is a global movement to build a just and sustainable economy where we prioritize people and the planet over endless profit and growth.

Solidarity as a Precondition for the Realisation of Socio-economic ...

Solidarity connects the individual with the collective, makes individual wellbeing dependent upon the wellbeing of other members of that society ...

Solidarity Economy | AWID

The solidarity economy (including cooperative economy and gift economy) is an alternative framework that is allowing for different forms in different contexts, ...

Solidarity Economics and the Good Life - Faith+Lead

Solidarity economics is rooted in “oikonomia” — in both a belief in and evidence of how compassion and cooperation make for more effective, ...

A Shareable explainer: What is the Solidarity Economy?

The movement includes RIPESS, an international solidarity economy network of continental networks, the International Labor Organization (ILO), ...

Social and Solidarity Economy and the Sustainable Development ...

– International Labour Organization, Resolution concerning decent work and the social and solidarity economy, adopted in June 2022. In its Resolution 77/281 of ...


Organizations associated with solidary economy includes:enterprises recuperated by workers (empresas recuperadas), networks and organization for fair trade, ...

Solidarity economy - Wikipedia

Solidarity economy or Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) refers to a wide range of economic activities that aim to prioritize social profitability instead ...

Realizing the Solidarity Economy - Non Profit News

It means being open to new possibilities for economic justice provided in the present, such as the potential future widespread adoption of platform cooperatives ...

"Other Economies Are Possible!": Building a Solidarity Economy

At its core, solidarity economics rejects one-size-fits-all solutions and singular economic blueprints, embracing instead a view that economic and social ...

What is the social and solidarity economy? A review of concepts

Historically consisting of associations, cooperatives and mutual societies, the social economy has recently extended to include foundations and social ...

What Do We Mean By Solidarity Economy?

What is solidarity economy organizing? It is building relationships between projects that are using solidarity economy principles and practices.

Social and Solidarity Economy | International Labour Organization

Social and Solidarity Economy ... The social and solidarity economy (SSE) contributes to decent work, inclusive and sustainable economies, social justice and ...

Solidarity Economics - USC Equity Research Institute (ERI)

Our project will develop and disseminate a “solidarity economics” approach to address widening income inequality, rising economic insecurities, and growing ...

Solidarity Economy: Building an Economy for People and Planet

There is already a huge foundation upon which to build. The solidarity economy seeks to make visible and connect these siloed practices in order ...

Solidarity Economy — Beloved Community Incubator

The solidarity economy is a practice of social and economic cooperation that centers people, especially poor and working class workers and people of color, ...

Building the Solidarity Economy: A Decade's Assessment

The solidarity economy is a movement that envisions an alternative to capitalism—one rooted in mutual aid, cooperation, and democratic ownership ...