
Sonarr permissions issues when importing

Sonarr Import Permissions Issue - Help & Support

I'm having a problem with downloaded files being imported. The downloaded files are being put in a folder /PlexMedia/SABnzbd_Downloads/complete/sonarr and the ...

Yet Another Importing Issue : r/sonarr - Reddit

if it cant see anything then the account you are running sonarr as does not have read permissions but may have traverse (it can see the folder ...

Sonarr Unable to Import, Permissions Issue? - openmediavault

I am having issues setting up my folder permissions to get sonarr to successfully import. I wanted to double check my docker-compose to make sure I'm doing the ...

Sonarr permissions issues when importing - General Support - Unraid

Anyone have this issue? I noticed this with SOME not all TV Shows. I did get this working with NOT the best solution... Set PUID PGID to 0.

Sonarr unable to import downloads · Issue #3256 - GitHub

nzbget creates folders with the rights permission et those permitions are inherited from the top folder but when nzbget wrote the final file ...

Radarr/Sonarr cannot import files - Seite 2 - Forum - openmediavault

If you are trying to fix the permissions to work correctly with sonarr/radarr, the owner and user should be set to the same one you used for ...

Failed to import episode, Destination already exists error

So, when NZBGet creates a new folder or file, it is not inheriting the permissions from the higher folders, it is setting new permissions and ...

Files not importing Windows Service - Help & Support - sonarr

It's a pretty common issue because the default user for the Sonarr service has changed, the default in v2 was Local System which has more rights than an ...

Sonarr continuously rewrites episodes when importing with incorrect ...

What I did notice is that the ~partial files were not being created during the issue but as soon as I fixed the permissions partial files ...

Sonarr Troubleshooting - Servarr Wiki

Most import errors are permissions issues, remember that needs to be able to read and write in the download folder. Sometimes, permissions in the library ...

Sonarr permissions problem - Synology Community

The error is: "Couldn't import episode ____. Access to the path is denied." ... I have run into this problem before and solved it by changing the ...

[Solved] Permissions/ACL sonarr & radarr "Couldn't import" because ...

My sonarr and radarr logs are full of messages like this: Couldn't import episode /media/downloads/sabnzbd/complete/The.Show.2024.06.17/The.

sonarr permissions issue - Troubleshooting - DietPi Community Forum

Hello,. I'm having issues with sonarr permissions, can anyone help me out? Here's an example of what's going on. Couldn't import episode ...

Permissions problem with Sonarr move - Ask Ubuntu

I am having a problem getting Sonarr to post-process downloaded files, then move them to my Plex media folder. Sonarr runs as myuser and Sabnzbd runs as ...

Sonarr Permissions - Container Support -

Same issue here. Weirdly, if i remote onto the sonarr docker container and issue a move command to move the downloaded file to its destination ...

Issues with file permissions on 6.10.x - General Support - Unraid

Both SABnzbd and Sonarr are throwing all sorts of permission errors. Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /tv ...

Permissions issues running Sonarr in docker |

... Sonarr is not able to do the same. I am getting this permissions issue: 2022-11-23 16:42:22.5|Error|DownloadedEpisodesImportService|Import ...

Error applying permissions after movie is imported in Radarr

I've run into some issues with changing the owner of the folder and files after a Torrent is completed and imported it into my media dataset.

Arch, Sonarr, NZBGet and file permissions. Want to punch the wall!

Rebooted and this removed some roadblocks but files created by NZBGet were STILL locked and Sonarr couldn't rename/import them. (I always ...

Sonarr Permissions - Synology Community

"Couldn't import episode /volume1/downloads/completed/fileNameFolder/fileName. ... Permissions issue from Sonarr to Video Station · lavster. Apr ...