
Spring/Summer Bee

What To Know As Spring Unfolds Into Summer - Backyard Beekeeping

Nearing Summer. If you are an experienced beekeeper or if you started a year ago and have successfully overwintered a colony, May presents a ...

Spring Bees: Who Are They and Where Do They Live?

While spring is the beginning of the beekeeping season, early blooming plants not only feed honey bees but also hundreds of native solitary bee species.

What Spring's Arrival Means to the Honeyee - Sioux Honey

Spring is the busiest time of year for the bees, not only because of restocking food but it's also the season when new colonies are started and established ...

Seasonal Beekeeping Checklists: Spring and Summer

In this article, I hope to centralize a lot of those ideas and reminders to create a spring and summer checklist for beekeepers at all scales.

How to identify spring bees - BBC Wildlife Magazine

Insects that become active now, before the summer rush, can cash in ... From March to June, the tawny mining bee enjoys spring shrubs ...

Spring is Bee Season - Save the Bee

In the spring, honey bees concentrate on collecting nectar and pollen, raising young, and preparing the hive for the winter ahead.

Spring Mason and Summer Leaf Bees!

OBA Mason certified and locally sourcedLoose cocoons cleaned for optimal pest control Note: Bees ship separately from other products. We ship to the U.S. ...

What Season Do Bees Come Out? | When is Bee Season? - Orkin

Bee season largely depends on several environmental factors and species of bee; however, bees are usually most active during Spring. Call Orkin for bee ...

Honey Bee Management Throughout the Seasons

Late Spring–Early Summer ... By late spring, floral resources have been available for several weeks and remain plentiful. The colony has been ...

Bumblebees! : The Early Spring Garden

This is the first of a series of posts on bumblebee gardening that will cover what bumblebees need in spring, summer, fall, for nesting, and overwintering.

Spring: the bee season - MAES HONEY

The bee season is considered to be the time when we see the most bees in action and therefore coincides with the spring months (and part of the summer).

Wild Bee Adventure - Closeout Sale - Crown Bees

Spring and Summer Wild Bee Adventure - Green Our smallest instant bee hotel is an adorable way to provide vital nesting habitat for your local solitary bees ...

Five Ways to Support Queen Bumble Bees this Spring | Xerces Society

Right away, she needs to find nectar and pollen to replenish her energy level and fat reserves. Then the queen will spend the next several days ...

It's Spring! The Bumble Bees Are Coming! - Bee City USA

Report your bumble bee sightings to Bumble Bee Watch where you can upload photos, start a virtual bumble bee collection, have your ...

Spring Beekeeping: Preparing Your Hives for a Productive Season

In this blog, we delve into the essential steps for spring beekeeping, drawing from our experiences and a recent tutorial that emphasized the importance of ...

It's the Bees' Needs: Spring Planting for Bees - Bee & Bloom

Most of the heavy-lifting for spring flowers will be from the categories above, but you can start planning for summer blooms now! Think Oregon Sunshine*, ...

The best flowers for bees during spring, summer and autumn

Crocus, geraniums and verbena are just a few bee-friendly plants that will add colour and interest to your garden.

How to make a Bee Friendly Garden this Spring

From our store window, our pollinator garden looks brown and drab, but on closer inspection I can see early signs of this season's flowers...the ...

Daughters of old friends: early spring bees

Solitary bee offspring develop during the warm weather of summer and fall, overwinter in the nest, and then emerge the following year. I've ...

Early spring brings a 'hungry gap' for bees – here's how you can help

Some bee species emerge in the early spring and some emerge later; in ... EU guidance is to allow wild plants to flower during the summer ...