
Stop an application in bash after a certain amount of time [duplicate]

Stop an application in bash after a certain amount of time [duplicate]

You can use the timeout command to run a command with a time limit. Its basic syntax is: timeout DURATION COMMAND

Stop/kill a process from the command line after a certain amount of ...

I tried to kill it via kill PID , but PID changes every time when program runs. How can stop it after a time interval via bash ? Alternatively, ...

Kill process after a given time bash? - Stack Overflow

I have a script that tries to make a DB connection using another program and the timeout(2.5min) of the program is to long. I want to add this ...

Bash - kill a command after a certain time - Stack Overflow

There is the timeout command. You would use it like timeout -k 5 make brusselator.tst. Maybe you would like to see also if it exited ...

How to stop duplicate processes : r/bash - Reddit

Duplicate processes will have the same ID (number in bold, after archive/). ... copy of the script will run at a time. Attempting to run a ...

Disable repeated items in bash history - Super User

You can, however, instruct Bash to erase duplicates by setting the Bash variable HISTCONTROL. (Documentation: ...

How to run a command multiple times, using bash shell? - Server Fault

... program for a fixed time. Eduardo gave an answer that answer your ... number) eval $argv[2..-1] end end. Share. Share a link to this ...

Bash Reference Manual -

... specified number of seconds after printing $PS1 (see Bash Variables). ... application name , and you can test for a particular value. This ...

How to Run or Repeat a Linux Command Every X Seconds Forever

The shell script should: Log all processes that are running. If a duplicate program(s) is executed, the shell script will automatically “kill” ...

Kill a Child Process After a Given Timeout in Bash | Baeldung on Linux

Additionally, we ensure that the start time of the process has not changed before killing it. This prevents us from killing a new process that ...

Bash command line exit codes demystified - Red Hat

It's time to look at examples of what generates error codes/statuses. Extracting the elusive exit code. To display the exit code for the last ...

Dockerfile reference - Docker Docs

Copy files and directories. ENTRYPOINT, Specify default executable. ENV, Set environment variables. EXPOSE, Describe which ports your ...

Retrying a bash command - Gérald Barré - Meziantou's blog

If the command succeeds, the loop will exit. Shell copy. # Set the maximum number of attempts max_attempts=5 # Set a ...

Heroku CLI Commands

... after the time specified by VALUE. VALUE needs to specified as a whole ... app to use DESCRIPTION stop a replica from following and make it a writeable database.

uniq Command in Linux with Examples - GeeksforGeeks

In simple words, uniq is the tool that helps to detect the adjacent duplicate lines and also deletes the duplicate lines. uniq filters out the ...

How to use the uniq command to process lists in Linux - Red Hat

We have seen the sort command in our previous article, but sorting any file will often result in many duplicate lines adjacent to each other ...

Tips for using the Azure CLI successfully - Microsoft Learn

After you choose your preferred shell environment and ... Asynchronous operations. Operations in Azure can take a noticeable amount of time.

Linux Sleep Command (Pause a Bash Script)

... end time date +"%H:%M:%S" Copy. When you run the ... It is used to pause the execution of the next command for a given amount of time.

uniq Command - IBM

... number of fields specified by the Fields variable. ... Precedes each output line with a count of the number of times each line appeared in the input file.

Top 50+ Linux Commands You MUST Know - DigitalOcean

You can set up a Ubuntu server for this tutorial by following our guide to Initial Server Setup on Ubuntu. Deploy your frontend applications ...