
Super|resolution microscopy in both space and time

Super-resolution microscopy in both space and time -

Super-resolution microscopy is a technique that can "see" beyond the diffraction of light, providing unprecedented views of cells and their ...

Super-resolution microscopy in both space and time - News - EPFL

EPFL scientists have developed the first microscope platform that can perform super-resolution spatial and temporal imaging, capturing unprecedented views ...

Super-resolution microscopy captures images in both space and time

But super-resolution microscopy only offers improved spatial resolution. That might suffice for static samples, like solid materials or fixed cells, but living ...

New super-resolution microscopy technique for both space and time

Scientists dubbed this super-resolution microscopy technique as 4D microscope that is the first microscope platform that can perform ...

Photo of the Day: Super-Resolution Microscopy in Both Space and ...

Super-resolution microscopy has been known to have the ability to capture a high-quality view of interior structures and organelles in cells ...

Visualizing and discovering cellular structures with super-resolution ...

Super-resolution microscopy has overcome a long-held resolution barrier – the diffraction limit – in light microscopy and enabled ...

Spatial and temporal super-resolution for fluorescence microscopy ...

In the validation, the performance can be increased by more than 20% for intensity profile, and 8% for FWHM, and the running time can be saved ...

Super-Resolution Microscopy with High Spatial Precision - iBiology

Xiaowei Zhuang overviews super resolution microscopy, a variety of methods that achieve higher spatial precision than is possible with conventional ...

Technological advances in super-resolution microscopy to study ...

However, until the last decade, far-field light microscopy had remained limited in its spatial resolution to ∼200–300 nm due to diffraction. To ...

Super-resolution microscopy at a glance - PMC

Super-resolution images are created by assembling all of the localized points. Both photoactivation localization microscopy (PALM) (Betzig et al., 2006) and ...

Introduction to Superresolution Microscopy - Zeiss Campus

The first significant improvement in resolution for far-field diffraction-limited microscopes occurred during the mid-1990s with the introduction of two ...

Why use Super-Resolution Microscopy? Starting with the basics

Super-resolution techniques, such as SMLM, are able to resolve structures over ten times smaller than that, compared to conventional ...

Extremely high spatiotemporal resolution microscopy for live cell ...

The restorability of spatial resolution essentially stems from the fact that a one-to-one correspondence is always established between the image ...

Super-resolution Microscopy

over time. As such, live-cell, single-molecule super-reso- lution imaging requires that both spatial and temporal sampling are fast enough to avoid the ...

Super-resolution microscopy: a brief history and new avenues

Super-resolution microscopy (SRM) is a fast-developing field that encompasses fluorescence imaging techniques with the capability to resolve objects below the ...

Super-Resolution Microscopy Opens New Doors to Life at the ...

While two-photon technology has progressed in many ways since its inception, and has come to be widely available and used, it has not progressed ...

Superresolution Structured Illumination Microscopy - Zeiss Campus

The potential application of structured illumination microscopy towards achieving sub-diffraction limit resolution was first described in 1963 by Walter Lukosz ...

Challenges facing quantitative large-scale optical super-resolution ...

Nevertheless, as with any optical system, the spatial resolution of fluorescence microscopy is limited by the diffraction (or bending) of light ...

Super-Resolution | Applications - Leica Microsystems

Super-resolution light microscopy empowers you to study subcellular structures and dynamics with greater detail. While the spatial resolution of confocal ...

The cell biologist's guide to super-resolution microscopy

Over the last two decades, several techniques – grouped under the 'super-resolution microscopy' moniker – have been designed to bypass this ...